
To what extent does the media influence the way how you percieve the world today?

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To what extent does the media influence the way how you percieve the world today?




  1. It doesn't I listen to what people say themselves & I am very intutive so the rest is just other peoples opinions.

  2. it makes me analyse the report/s that the Media are presenting , with respect to the Truth of the matter at hand , as compared to the Definition of the matter at hand , that the Media wants to present (but can`t) because of

    Socio-Political restrictions placed upon them by any Government (internal and/or external) , limiting them to giving US (the People) the simple thing that WE require...............

    the           FACTS/TRUTH/HONESTY !

  3. An incredible amount... It surrounds us... Our TV, radio, internet, DVD, etc...

    It's nearly unstoppable. It's like a monopoly. It should be illegal.

  4. Don't let it unless you let it, that is, if you want to be intellectually lazy then you'll let the media percive the world for you.  Or you can be a good citizen in a democracy and read world/alternative news and listen and read both sides, no matter how painful.

  5. It doesn't really have much influence, though that might merely be because i don't watch tv very often.

    My world view centers around my religion, my family, my teachers, etc. it grows as i grow and it changes (ever so slightly) as i am influenced by new people and new points of view.

    to give yourself over to the media is to hand society into their pockets without any previous thought


    One cannot be in all places at once and experience the events as they happen, therefore, the only way to experience life is to see it as a mini-drama production written and directed by a reporter.  Even then, there are edits before the final version, and one does not see the flaws in the report.

    perhaps the most important feature of any news story, whether on television or in a newspaper, is not so much the actual event and facts, but all is placed as a means to draw in subscribers and viewers with the idea that while they are reading or watching the news, they will stick around and view or watch the advertisements as well.  News really isn't about the news. Rather it is a 'hook' (like a fishing hook) to suck in enough viewers that will, in turn, command higher advertising dollars to run ads.

    If you look at local news, they (the local TV station) get all of the take on ads, while on a national level, disbursements are made on a trickle down basis.

    Finally, the CIA figured out that the truth doesn't actually have to be the TRUTH.  it only has to sound like it is, and if a few lies are interspersed among known truths, people will accept the whole enchilada as the gospel truth.  As propaganda goes, there isn't any world government that can beat the USA in that game.

    One of the ways you can compare the spin and bias is to watch news programs that originate in another country.  They tend to be meatier, and not tied in with the USA news/propaganda machine, tend to be more objective in much of their coverage.  ie: abc news vs telemundo news.

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