
To what extent has extreme consumerism played a part in today's debacle of global warming?

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To what extent has extreme consumerism played a part in today's debacle of global warming?




  1. In regards to "To what extent has extreme consumerism played a part in today's debacle of global warming?"

    If you are referring to people going nuts over "going green" and "buying green", the only part it has played is the part that is playing right into Gore's hand not to mention the part that is making him and his co-herts richer at the world's expense.

  2. Consumerism is a factor, but hardly to be blamed.

    It's not as if people ignored global warming in the development of consumerism.  We simply didn't know global warming was real until recently.

    The ability to balance consumerism with other needs is the problem.  Possibly a good argument is that global warming will damage the economy to the point where no one will be indulging in consumerism.

  3. "extreme consumerism" you mean us buying things that make our lives comfortable and enjoyable? You mean we can't do that anymore?

  4. Yawn.....  Questions like this just reinforce the notion that so-called "global warming" is a political tactic rather then a scientific one.  

    Here's proof that "global warming" is a hoax, a farce, and a mask to attack the American way of life.  Believers won't be happy until millions die from curable diseases and we all live in caves.

  5. (Bob), I don't understand how you could make such a generalization. Where are these oversea products in the scheme of things?  Manufacturing has increased along with industrial pollution, especially in China, and India. We give them the jobs, they pollute, we feel guilty, and buy our way out. All the while why still buying imported products. The only sense to be made out of the whole scenario is politics, and big business. Very little has to do with GW, other then token gestures and appeasement. Kinda reminds me of the beads and trinket approach used on Native Americans.

  6. The term "extreme consumerism" is used by socialists who want people who work hard to pay for those who do nothing but sit on their rumps.  Socialists love this 'global warming crisis' because it gives them an excuse to tell us how and where to live, what to buy, how much we can consume, and what we can consume.

  7. It is clearly a war on consumerism by the left and some people naively think they are saving the planet.  The education on this issue is really pathetic and the ignorance is rampant.

  8. I'm not sure what you are specifically asking, so I'm going to answer the question like this: Because we live in a society that has become increasingly consumeristic over the past 50  years (roughly), the public response to the issue (Debacle) of human caused global climate changes has been to look for a way to "buy our way out" of the problem. And corporate America with their marketing firms has been all to happy to appease our desire to help through spending. This is why you see so much green washing of products, and advertisements telling you to "buy this car, or buy these cleaning products" to save the planet. Salvation from destruction, brought to you by Clorox and Chevy.

    Everyone who has linked a rejection of consumerism with communism is a fool. Communism is the antithesis of capitalism. Consumerism is just the idea that in order to be happy you need to be constantly purchasing something. That your happiness comes from buying rather than people or experiences is a messed up state of mind that drives more social and societal ills than just global warming.

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