
To what extent should individuals allow their cultural heritage to be assimilated?

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To what extent should individuals allow their cultural heritage to be assimilated?




  1. LOL Cheese

    To whatever extent they want to take it. Seriously, they need to be committed to whatever idea floats their boat.

    I just hate hearing immigrants complain that their kids are "too American" yet they're the ones that dragged us over to this country (and yes, I'm the child of 2 LEGAL immigrants).

    It's really up to that person.

  2. To the extent necessary to be part of the domestic culture, with a minimum of obeying the domestic laws.  

    I don't care if you want to wear a full body veil, but you won't be getting on our planes or driving a bus.  

    Forget the ritual goat sacrifices, we don't do that here.  If you want to do that stuff, go home.  

  3. The essence of a society is harmony.  There is no level of cultural heritage that has to be assimilated, but there is a great need to live in the society harmoniously.  

    If you move into one of the primitive tribal areas of South America, or in the Pacific, you do NOT do those things most French/Americans/British do.. which is flirt with the women.  So that sort of thing.  

    I believe, in looking at Communist China, that assimilation should be done to the extent that the society you are in does not feel threatened, or belittled.

  4. Is this the lead-in to a self-segregationsit argument?

  5. if it's in the US i've only got to rules

    1. Learn English

    2. Don't treat women like dirt just because your religion says it's ok

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