
To what extent should you discuss your previous relationships?

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To what extent should you discuss exes and experiences when dating someone new? How soon do you discuss if you do?




  1. From personal experience I've learned that it is not wise to talk much, if at all about previous relationships. Sometimes it depends on the person. If they say they want to know things, tell them a small amount. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling my boyfriend personal information about previous relationships and it somewhat backfired. He was really jealous for a long time and it was hard when a situation or person was brought up. The best advice I can give you is that the past is in the past and the person you are with is your present and future. (for however long)

  2. Answer like this: The past is the past & I'm with you now. The reason they are my ex is because....(your answer) Don't tell unless they ask.

  3. Actually, never! Talk about ur ex as least as possible and only if need be.

    Nothing like, John/Jen, used to do it this way or so on. It makes you sound like you are not over ur ex and are too clingy.

  4. Early on, it is okay to mention that you have dated recently and it didn't work out, or whatever you want to say, but do not go into detail.  New people don't want to hear story after story of your ex and they don't want to hear you badmouthing your other dates. They'll realize you may badmouth them someday. If you are very much in love and wanting to marry though, then you can open up more, but till then, best to keep the details to yourself.  

  5. I would not discuss anything about the past. It is nobodies business.

  6. Do your best NOT to talk about your ex's. If there's an experience you do want to share, tell them it was just a friend. Don't make it a big deal.

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