
To what extent will it take for people to no longer care what Ocho Cinco does off the field? ?

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Ok, i admit the whole ocho cinco thing is hilarious. But will all this really matter if he has a bad season? Terrel Owens backs it up on the field. However, Chad Johnson didnt do enough last season to "back up" his actions off the field. Can we possibly see the old Chad Johnson again? Will Terrel Owens having a phenominal performance in the Dallas vs Cincinatti game inspire ocho cinco to perform? When will people no longer care what he does off the field, when he has a season like last years? opinions please?




  1. i like chad but he does need a better season than last year..

    btw, i HATE T.O....

  2. If Johnson has a bad season, that may encourage even more outrageous behavior because he craves attention. So I don't think that would work.

  3. People don't really care what they do off the field.  Its the dumbasses at ESPN that think we care.  Any time there's no real news to report they start blowing off the field stuff out of proportion.  Look at the Romo-Jessica Simpson thing.  Do any real football fans care about that c**p beyond the extent of 'damnn, I wish I was that guy?'  

  4. Who?

  5. You know the old saying "Any publicity is good publicity". He is in love with Chad and nothing else so as long as he acts outlandish he knows the camera's will follow whether we like it or not. There is nothing wrong with seeking out attention as long as the team comes first...that was T.Os problem for so many years, he put himself ahead of team but he seems to finally realize he will get his due if he just does his job. Maybe 85 will figure it out someday but right now he only cares about himself and doesnt care how it affects the team. That is why the Bengals are so disfunctional...loaded with talent but that talent only cares about itself and not team. I think most people could care less about 85, he is an oversized ego idiot but as long as there is Sportscenter and silly reporters waiting for his next bit of obnoxious he wont go away. He has proven next to nothing when compared to the T.Os and Moss type guys....and isnt talented enough to ever be in their league.

  6. He's an athlete. He may also be a joke sometimes, but he's an athlete, and that means that no matter how much of an idiot he is, there's still the ability and talent in him.

    No doubt though, he's simply not as talented as Terrel Owens. So his ceiling (by comparison) is limited by that.

    Chad Ocho Cinco is a charachter and he makes the NFL a more lively place filled with PEOPLE with ideas (stupid in his case) and motivations.

    I dont think it matters. Ill be watchin every sunday. And so will you

  7. Hopefully he has a great year. I just picked him up in my fantasy league.

  8. Ocho who?

  9. People wouldn't care so much what Chad does if he didn't go so far out of his way to attract attention to himself. All the things he does are designed to get the reaction he receives.

    He doesn't care what kind of attention he gets, good or bad, as long as he gets it.

    You are thinking in the same mind set as Chad is. You are more worried about his performance as one player than what he does to help the team as a whole.

    His selfish, self centered attitude shows center stage, and then he wants to point fingers all over to lay blame when they lose all their games.

    I wouldn't look for too much from him this year as far as performance anyway. His shoulder is banged up and requires surgery to fix. He won't be able to excel with that dragging him down. I don't see him finishing the season, he will be on the injured reserve about half way through the season.

  10. There is no "I" in the word team. No surprise the BenGals stink year after year no matter who is on the team.  Sorry Carson, you deserve better.  Chad plays for the spotlight and not his team.....

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