
To which of the shops do I, Laure, handle?

by Guest33513  |  earlier

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It's a trivia question. Thanks!




  1. What is your problem? If you just do a little searching on the web, you can most definitely find the answer. Besides, to give away answers for the trivia question is prohibited. Don't be lazy! This is one of the easiest trivia question that I've seen so far.    

  2. List of all the shop keepers and names and occupations. :)

    ( - Subeta Image Gallery - Shop Keepers)

    The shop your looking for.

    Google is your friend...

    If you google "Subeta shop Laure" The first two search results give the answer, and the third is this page.

    Why are people so lazy these days? Come on...

  3. Well you were obviously looking for the answer on Yahoo Answers aswell or you wouldnt of come across this question and had a go at the person asking..

    Just Saying XD

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