
To whom do I address this letter to M.E.P.S.?

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I am writing a letter to M.E.P.S. in Little Rock,AR to drop out of the Navy D.E.P. program so I can join the Army.I know the address and everything but I dont know the commander's name or whoever I am supposed to write this to for that matter. If anyone could help me It would be freaking awsome....thank you so much.




  1. You need to see your recruiter.  You can get out of DEP, but don't expect him to be happy, or in a hurry to release you.  You may have to provide a valid reason to get released, and if you don't get released, you have to wait until 365 days from the day you DEP'd to be automatically released.

    Why did you swear in, if you didn't want in?  You've wasted a lot of his time, and now your demonstrating that your oath is not very important to you.

  2. You cannot simply change your mind, you signed a contract and itll take some major doing to get you out of that. If you dont show up when youre obligated to do so, you are in huge trouble.... You need to go back to your recruiter and hope he can make it work...this was a pretty big decision and you should have contemplated more before siging papers with the government.

  3. Go see the recruiter you signed up with. A mistake or lost letter could get you into big trouble. This is not something you want to get screwed up.

  4. if you dont know his/her name then you just put M.E.P.S. Commander then the address and you give them your reason why you are wanting out and/or you could just tell your recruiter you want out

  5. I am army but if I was going to do it all over again, I would join the Air Force. Better quality of life (easy Physical training) and same or better benefits.  

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