
To win a tic tac toe game, what is the best first move?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds kind of dumb.

Is your best chance to win a tic tac toe game, if you go first, to go into the centre, or into one of the 4 corners and why?




  1. Be the second to play...make your stratagy from there...

  2. the corners always have more opportunity if the middle cell is taken

  3. corners because you will get double chances.

  4. if i wanted to win i would go into the corners because that i better too win

  5. Well I would say get it in the middle. Then get any 2 corners and you win either way. If you follow that strategy it's impossible to lose.

  6. the four corners or sometimes the middle.  The middle you have the luck and the four corner i don't know it always work for me

  7. top left corner always works for me

  8. neither

    You should go in one of the side spaces.

    This will delude your oppenet into thinking you're an idiot and taking you too lightly.

  9. Center. leaves you open for any three in a row.

  10. never go for center, center is for defence.

  11. Always chose the corners first.  If you get the corners you cannot lose.  If your opponent chooses a corner so should you to try to get a cats game.

  12. any one of the four corners

  13. Here is some good tips on how to win a tic tac toe game.

    Hope it helps!

  14. actually the first move can be in the corners or the doesn't matter. What matters the most is your 2nd move to set up your double line!

  15. always the corner, you simply can't loose then that's why tictactoe is among the dumbest games ever invented imo.

  16. corner!!! you have a beter chance of wining

  17. definantly the middle it takes out 4 diffirent wins for your opponent and leves them only 4

  18. Any corner.  If your opponent does not then choose the middle on his/her first turn, there is no way to stop you winning.  Even if the middle is selected, you can win by selecting the opposite corner and hoping your opponent selects one of the remaining 2 corners.

    If you start with the middle, your opponent can go anywhere next and still not lose.

  19. any of the 4 corners and making your next move diagonal to the nex corner and then after that any other corner b/c that way you'll have a double win

  20. x  |....|



    x  |....|



      x |....|



    x  |....|



    x  |....|  x



    now you see that is a pretty typical game and you see how you can win 2 ways instead of one? well that would be your key to winning :)

    Hope my pictures helped.

    Big b140

  21. Corner

  22. 1st move top right cell

  23. The player that goes first will win about twice as often as the player that goes second.

  24. One of the four corners, followed  by a move either in the corner above or below the ffirst move. That''s then giving you a shot either across, left-rightt, or a shot up aand down, and then your next move should be in a ddiagonal corner. Try it with yourself, it's honestlly brilliant.

    In the end, even if they  block one win, you still potentiaally have two other  ways to win

    Untill they catch on to the mind trick, you will win  EVERY game. Promise

  25. I usually go for the center, you can go whatever way you want to afterwards, and it takes away the diagonal option for you're opponent

  26. utk menang.guna akal..memerhati pergerakan..sebelum bergerak

  27. One of the corners.  If you play in the center, you've lost.

  28. the middle cause it touchs the rest of them giveing u an advantage

  29. The best way to win is to choose an outside box. it is easy to block an inside box.

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