
To woman who have been or are pregnant; What does it feel like when your baby moves or kicks?

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To woman who have been or are pregnant; What does it feel like when your baby moves or kicks?




  1. like nothing you have ever felt before

  2. physically it feels like flutters or jabs or something popped in u but emotionally its great. the best feelings ever. U actually believe theres someone in there...

  3. In the beginning it feels like a butterfly in your tummy later it feels like  a

  4. its fantastic. i love it. im 31 weeks now so i get big shakes as hes shimmying around but when i was 21 weeks he started kicking and its like someone one is flicking you with an elastic band but on the inside. lol

    he actually plays with me now, you have to see it to believe it, if i prod his little foot, he kicks my hand back! lol. but he always gets bored before i do. lol

    i'lll never get this time back when hes 100% mine (ill have to share him with his daddy! lol. pah! ) so i make sure everyday we have a minute just to chill out together :)

  5. well first time moms usually notice the fetal movement later than moms who have had previous pregnancies. When I felt my first baby move, it felt like flutters or a bubble in my belly. The kicks and rolls do not come until later in the pregnancy.  

  6. it comes in stages, the first few weeks of feeling it you may not notice it at all.. which is sad, because this is when its truly great.

    first its like a fluttering, almost as if your stomach is growling without sound, and you arent pregnant. its usually few and far between these movements so enjoy them if you feel them. I usually felt them when i was eating or laying in bed. Typically no one else will feel them by touch. this happened around 15-16 weeks

    the next step is slight jabs and kicks. This you will know is kicking, and its odd but great. this happened for me around 20 weeks i think..

    Once you feel the  jabs you think thats all there is.. but then comes the grazing, this is when your baby is moving around and you can feel the arms or legs or whatever scanning your whole belly.. it kind of tickles and is funny. You can finally understand what women say about summersaults! about 25 weeks, you will definitely feel your baby move all day at this point

    Then there is stretching, this is when the baby just pushes on parts of your tummy and tries to stretch out, Apparantly in late on pregnancy, you can define the body parts and see shapes of feet, but i havent yet experienced it..

    all in all, the BEST feeling in the world!! It will be the one thing I know i will miss about pregnancy. Its great to know that when you rub your tummy the baby can react and move around, the bonding begins immediately!

    Good luck to you

  7. It is the most amazing thing. You feel it move, kick, get hiccups, push out like it's stretching, and it looks like your whole stomach is moving along with it, like an alien. It is a really weird feeling having another human being grow and live inside your own body.

    What sucks is not having anyone share the special experience with you, or worse yet, making it h**l and wish you never concieved their sperm. Losing respect just because your a mother and having teenage boys yell out 'w***e' just because your walking down the street with a baby in a stroller and your in your 20's and not mid 30's.

    Looking down on you because you sacrificed your life for a family you have always wanted when the father of the children drinks and lies and cheats and wants no responsibility. And you take the fall.

    If I could take it all back I would. It's not worth it.

  8. At first? Honestly, it felt like gas. But now, It feels like he's trying to break out!

  9. its awsome :D

  10. At the early stages, it feels like what was described to me (and I think it is true) like mice tumbling around in your lower abdomen.  I started to feel that alot earlier than alot of other people.  I felt it at 13 or 14 weeks!  But everyone is different.  After that, the tumbling will become more and more obvious and noticeable.  Soon, those tumbling mice will turn into what feels like a HUGE gas bubble that keeps moving around in your stomach.  Now I am at 33 weeks, and the movements are more of a poke and a jab from the inside out.  It is hard to describe....  but it is truely amazing.  It doesn't hurt, well, sometimes it is a little uncomfortable, but sooo reassuring to know that all is well in baby's tummy world.  Wait until you hear the heartbeat for the first time.... truely amazing.

  11. It's sort of like feeling your organs jumble around. You feel it more from the inside than you do from the outside. The sensation is a lot like bubbles popping, especially when the baby rolls around. Sometimes I wobble when I walk because the baby shifts so quickly.

  12. I'm 17 weeks pregnant with my first baby and i felt it move last week. It feels like 100 butterfly's are in your stomach and it makes you smile. A life that you have created is safe and well and letting you know all about it. I have never felt anything so special in all my life

  13. at first it feels like butterflies in your stomach, popcorn popping, or something slightly rolling you get further along it actually feels like jabs and punches.  

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