
To women who have carried high...?

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when was it that the baby dropped? Not for birth but in the last trimester, when was it that the baby dropped down slightly making it easier for you to breath?? I am carrying really high and i find it so hard to breath sometimes. Im not big or anything, in fact im quite small but I can feel her kicking my lungs area and breathing gets really difficult for parts of most days depending on her position. Im 31 weeks btw.

Thanks for any help on this uncomfortable situatin




  1. my midwife said if you find it difficult to breathe go on onto all fours and hunch your shoulders this can encourage the babes to move.

    good luck x

  2. I am almost 37 weeks along and i was also carrying really high, I dropped on monday. it feels so much better to breath but now i am literally going to the washroom every 15 minutes. So you win some you lose some.

  3. My baby never really dropped down, so I found I was quite short of breath right through (but I was quite fit which helped).  I found the best thing when sitting was to make sure I was upright instead of slouched, so there was more room for my lungs.  I am currently 27 weeks, and finding the same again this time around!  Last time, my baby sometimes moved lower, but I actually found this more uncomfortable while walking etc than the baby being high.  It didn't get any worse though than what it is now, so hang in there!

  4. After 28th week of pregnancy presenting part of the fetus enters the small pelvis and top of the uterus gets lower.But exactly when this will happen can not be predicted.

  5. I carried high all 4 x and didn't drop until I was 37 weeks...I would sit in a low back chair and stretch backward..this REALLY opens up the lungs...Not being able to breathe is miserable~~

  6. Hey there. I carried both my daughters pretty high so I know what you mean. I am short so there was not a lot of room in my torso I don't think! I have one boy and I did carry him much lower but had horrible heartburn!

    I can not remember exactly when they moved down, but I would say that either way you are really close to 'go time' and it will only be a few more weeks now.

    I know this sounds obvious, but just try to relax, take it easy. Don't do too much. Stay relaxed and don't give your body any reason to over work your lungs. Do the things that you know keeps the baby calm. Showers, slow walking, music. Whatever you do that you notice she is calmer and not kicking your lungs!

    Keep an eye on your legs. If they swell or if you notice any reddish/bruise like spots, call your doctor right away. This can be a blood clot in your legs and be indication of pulmonary embolism. This can occur if you sit -a lot- with the extra weight on you from pregnancy.

    I really hope this helps, and don't let the last part scare you! Its rare but I just wanted you to be aware =). Good luck and congratulations!  

  7. Oh how I remember that with my 3rd...I didnt drop until around week 37 man was I miserable!

  8. I think I dropped around my 35th or 36th week. Man I forgot all about that. You poor thing! Just try to sit down as much as you can. And be sure to drink LOTS of water. It's easy for pregnant women to become dehydrated and with everything else you're going through right now, that's just another thing that you just don't need.

    Good luck!

  9. It is hard when carrying a baby high.. I carried my son high or at least I thought he was high.... I found out after he was born that he had been high and long.. he would take an put his feet over my rib cage. so you could see the entire impression of his foot at times. Made some interesting conversations.. However I did find that if I sat up straight and tall and yes I do know that is hard to do.. then some of the pressure was relieved.. so try straightening your back as much as you can when sitting it may help.. Good luck.

  10. I'm on my 4th pregnancy, but with my last one, I carried high, the whole time... She never dropped! She did turn head down, but she was high in my ribs (and KILLING them!), all the way to the end... The most uncomfortable pregnancy I've been through. What's funny, is, I told my husband---upon entering my third trimester---that it had been my easiest pregnancy, so far, and that I'd had no real troubles! Ha... :)

    Also, like you, I'm a small person: 5'2", and 95 - 100 pounds, pre-pregnancy, and breathing became a luxury, when it occured! Good luck!!

  11. Good question. I am 31 weeks as well and begging for some breathing room!!!!! Dr told me it can be anytime between now and the day before or of delivery. There really is no way to tell unfortunately. Good luck to you and congrats!

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