
To you, what defines a hero?

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What makes a person a hero (whether or not he or she realizes that he or she is a hero)?




  1. The one who has a name of his own in the public, whatever be his performance.

  2. Having a secret identity is a no-brainer,.

  3. He/she has a great theme song, has an interesting backstory that isn't full of cliches, doesn't back down from the enemy and can be depended upon to always act ethically but always gets the job done with brains over muscle.

  4. A person, or animal, that risks, or gives, its life to save the life of another person, or animal.

  5. I feel that anyone who ever chose to come to this planet is a hero. We have all done at least ONE good or selfless thing for another life form ! No, i do not mean, "fixing the TV" . I mean a life form that breathes, and yes, it can be planting a flower or a tree.

    No matter how a person believes, there within is enough love to give a helping hand, to love, to shoulder responsibilities; whether great or small . Some of us "had" to help out at home before we grew up. Some of us "had" to stay where we were , as a sacrifice , to aid someone else . Some of us had a secret crush on someone who may never know , because we liked who they were, inside and out, but would have offended them if we had told them. Some of us did secret things to help people who would never know , some of us did a random act of kindness, or bought someone who was poor a meal, or some groceries, with our money, and never told them.... at some point , we all loved. We loved a parent that didn't love us back, or back the way we wished; or a spouse, or a friend. But we still loved. We are all heroes.

    Then we have those who have gone beyond the small and secret acts . They may have joined the armed forces, or became someone who rescues those in danger. We have those who studied to help the sick get well. We have those who are tender, and take care of babies and elderly people.  It is my belief, we are all heroes, all of us. Everyone of us can think back to the times we did something good, h**l, great! Whether anyone knew it or not.

  6. Someone who always stands up for virtue and will always do the right thing

  7. A person admired for qualities and achievements

  8. I would say a dictionary

    Main Entry: he·ro  

    Pronunciation: \ˈhir-(ˌ)ō\

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form(s): plural heroes

    Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hērōs

    Date: 14th century

    1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b: an illustrious warrior c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d: one that shows great courage

    2 a: the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work b: the central figure in an event, period, or movement

    3plural usually heros : submarine 2

    4: an object of extreme admiration and devotion : idol

  9. My husband says it all and more. he is the hero in my life.

  10. A hero to me is a person willing to give his/her all for someone to the betterment of that person(s) he/she is giving it to. That would include a lot of people, from fallen soldiers throughtout history, to firefighters, doctors, strangers who have stopped to help someone truly in need. Parents, sisters, grandparents. You name it. If you have given your all for someone then you are a hero for that person for that giving. Some heros pay the "ultimate" price (losing their lives) all at once. Some give a little at a time for a long time.

  11. A mirror.

  12. To me a hero is someone who does what they do because they know its right and they want to. They don't do it for the fame and glory. They are completely and utterly humble, never caring if any crdit is given to them.

    A hero is the person who doesnt give into the "status quo". They don't let anyone be left out. They are friendly to anyone and everyone. No matter what the cost. They truly don't mind being made fun of about it.

    A hero to me, is somewhat of a savior. Someone that makes you feel like they can fix everything for you. Someone is always there at the exact time you need them. They make you feel secure, and even loved.

    To me heroes are the ones that had to overcome things, to be who they are today. They are the ones who had to get out of abusive families, alcoholic relationships, sexually abusing relationships, etc. And overcome those hardships to not let those hardships stop them from succeeding to their fullest.

    Thats what a hero is to me.

  13. Somebody who devotes their lives to others happiness while still staying humble with themselves.

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