
To you capricorns...please answer?

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Theres this capricorn women at my work.The first time we meet she was asking how much I make,the place where I live,do I have a car.Is it normal for you capricorns to ask that?Does she like me?Is she interested in me or just curious about me? I'm a Leo by the way?




  1. I think that your star sign is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to how you'll act in that way. Sure, you will have some similar character traits, but you can't dictate a person's personality COMPLETELY from their star signs! I'm a Capricorn who's completely in love with an Aquarius and apparently we're not a compatible star sign match, but we beg to differ personality-wise!

  2. Well, I would NEVER ask someone how much they make.

    But, I like to learn, so I always ask a lot of questions ( about EVERYTHING)

    Hard to tell if a cap likes you ( as any earth sign).  

  3. I think she's just nosy.  I'm a capricorn too, but I'm not like that at all.

  4. Why are you asking us, shouldn't you be staring blankly into the night sky for all your answers?

  5. Yes that is typically us Capricorns and i think you should go for her she might be a keeper

  6. **** you

  7. I'm not one for star signs but I'm a capricorn,I'm not into wanting a guys money home or car,i like their company only.My honest opinion shes asking you all this then don't give her the time of day,why would you want someone that's after your money not you.

  8. uh i guess? i'm a capricorn and i wouldnt ask that, but i would want to. sorry idk. ask a professional.  

  9. sorry i dont go by stupid little things like that.

    i like to play SUDOKU in the mornings.

    so sorry i cant help you.

    BUT! my nipple hair has grown in length scince the last time i measured it.

  10. We all seem to have this innate news reporter thing in us (Look at Katie Couric, Cokie Roberts,  Diane Sawyer, and Matt Lauer: all high-paid news reporters).  We ask a LOT of questions.  Unlike Geminis, we're not asking because we want to have bait against you, we're asking because we genuinely want to know.  Don't worry, we'll never tell your business (and don't tell ours).  So honestly, she may just be asking because she's just being the Goat that she is, or she may like you.  You'll find out eventually because we don't beat around the bush.

    EDIT: What is this, the "I Don't Believe in Astrology" Hour?  If you don't believe in it, then why the h**l are you here?  I would never be on the board for something that I don't believe in or that I see as rubbish.  What a bunch of morons.

  11. I am a capricorn and i can tell from what you have said that she is curious about your life style to make sure she likes you if you know what that means. Leo's and capricorns have a mutual liking and sometimes click and sometimes dont. if i were you i would go for it !!!!

  12. yes im a cap. and im a golddigger.

  13. Capricorns are always curious about other people's social and economic standing in society... not because they necessarily want the same things, but they are judging themselves by the shape of society around them... Capricorns want to hide by pretending to fit in, so they don't appear to stand out...

    I will say though that most Capricorns wouldn't dream of being as rude as the person you're describing. Most Capricorns would find a way to peek at your personnel file without getting caught.

    You can usually be pretty sure that whatever a Capricorn is saying or asking is not what they are really thinking or looking for.

  14. She's a tacky Capricorn woman. Seriously.  Those are not the questions you ask someone when you first meet them.  She basically wants to know what you're worth before she takes a gamble on getting to know you.  I'm so sick of money ruling this world. A good woman (no matter what her sign) would never let that be a part of the very first conversation she has with you.

  15. all that stuff is fake.  

  16. its normal. I ask dumb things like that all the time...if she likes you then it will progress....dont worrie. giddy is ok.

  17. Uhh.. what does horoscope have to do with it?

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