
To you tennis experts...My 14 year old brothers serve was good but now he can't get it in the service box.Tips

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And what should the average serve speed be for a 14 year old boy? Help!




  1. Allow him to return to the basics (lining of feet, ball tossing, pulling up, pulling down, keeping head up). A continental grip is helpful. Sometimes, though, its just a matter of confidence. Everyone gets in a slump every once in a while and its just a matter of continuous practice and perseverance.

  2. He should go back to the basics. When I struggle with my serve, I just go through the basic motion and get them in consistently. Your brothers need to remember to emulate a throwing motion and just the body motion alone should be good enought for consistent good serves. At 14, I was already blasting serves. I didn't have a speed gun of course, but my opponents were strugling to get the balls back even at 14. Hope that helps

  3. you should make sure he is in a continental grip ( and tell him to put more spin on the ball and make sure he does a complete follow-through (that is the reason most people start to have problems,thety dont follow through) also the average serve speed cant be determined by age its all about experiance usually if your over 12 and you have been playing 4 2-3 years it should be about 50-70, 4-5 years is about 60-70, 5-6 is about 65-75 (remeber a lot of prod cant even hit 100+ serves

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