
To young for baby? whats your opinion?

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Here is the situation, 20 year old women and about to be 23 year old man. Happily married. Money is good almost great. both hard working. One in the military and the other in and out of school. Both about 95% over the party lifestyle, the women is maybe even a little higher. supporting in laws, Ready to add the gift of life to their life's. What are your feeling on the situation? Still to young?




  1. I had a son when I was 19. And I am happily married and all the things you mentioned above. Except that my husband is not in the military. I would never bring kids into that kind of situation. What happens if he gets called to duty, and you are 20, alone with a baby? I just think that's a bit unfair for a child. So the age isn't the issue I think.

  2. Since you graduated so early id assume that your very intelligent and are more then financially,emotionally, and mentally capable of caring for a child. You are in a stable loving relationship, so to me you sound ready. It's not about age it's about maturity, and how you would handle your life with another person in it. Good Luck!  

  3. Nothing wrong at all with that, but they have enough time to enjoy some fun, travel, peace in life and enjoy each other for a while, I wouldn't rush it. I have two wonderful children, but I wish I had been able to spend more time with my husband beforehand and just enjoy being together and doing some special things together!!!

  4. If your ready to have a baby then go for it, you seem to have your life in order ad have been out and done the things you want,

    I think if you and your partne are ready then, its your decision

    good luck and take care

  5. No not too young. My sister got married at 18 to a military man and now at 19 has a baby. As long as you're mature enough to handle it you should be fine.

  6. I don't think its too young, as long as you're ready (and in my opinion noone is ever really ready to have a baby no matter how old or young) and both want this. I had my first daughter when I was 22 and my second when I was 24 turning 25, I am 26 now and a few people have told me that I am too young but thats just their opinion. You're both adults you're not 15 and 16 or whatever.

    Best of luck. :-)

  7. if your confident in your ability to raise a child well then do what feels right

    Good Luck

  8. **** no, have the child now.

  9. I don't think age is an issue if both of the people are ready for a child in their lives.  It really just comes down to if it is right for THEM.

  10. NO you are not to young i Had my firts son at the age of 16 and you know what i coped and i am know 20 and my second is on the way i am know 6 weeks pregnant. the younger the better you child would grow up with you and you would be able to do things with you children that other perants would not be able to do. go for it !!!

  11. Too young in my opinion.  I would never suggest to anyone to have kids before the age of 25.

  12. There is so much ahead in life; why rush and have a baby before you are sure to have experienced everything.  I can't imagine that at 20 I was anywhere near ready to have a child.  I was still in college and then headed towards a successful career.  During this time I travelled and experienced lots of things - museums, restaurants, sports.  There are at least 10 years when you can have a child without too much trouble.

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