
To young girls in school/teachers--what did the school teach u in s*x ed/health?

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did u pay att?

why are sooo many questions asked that should be taught by parents/teachers?

what did school say?

did they teach girls whats normal n not/ pictures? etccc




  1. In my s*x ed classes we learnt about sexually transmitted infections - about different forms of contraception, how it works what the side effects are of it etc. We also learnt how to put a condom on a banana lol.

    I never asked to many questions cause my teacher was a very young male - first year teaching - although I did get mighty embarassed when he (the hot teacher) over heard me asking my friend if we get prac....

  2. are you going to be i s*x ed? pay attention if you are! half the people in here need it! in 5th grade we had general ed about puberty and what s*x is, and i think in 8th grade we watched a woman give birth on tape. be open with your parents! ask questions in school, learn everything you ca about your own body.

  3. They taught us the parts of both the sexual organs, everything a female needs to know, and passed out tampons and pads and a guide on how to use them.

    I didn't pay much attention, it was boring and old to me. The teachers were pretty straight forward about it; they told us about s*x, made us watch a movie on how to make a baby, and then we moved on to normal education. Yes, they taught the girls what's normal and not with some pretty cruddy diagrams and videos.

  4. my schools wont even talk about it. idk why. we r 13 and had to learn everything on our own. we are completely comfortable talking about it and are open to listening to what they have to say. but i swear if it was al up to them i wouldnt even know the word

  5. i did pay attention.

      they  cannot show actual pictures only like diagrams i think.  but i think pictures would be usefull.. in one biology class studying STI's  ( this should also apply to s*x ed.) they sent home a premission slip to the student to get signed in order to view pictures of  infected genitals..  i think this idea is good and it should be  done in younger grade lieks grade 9  ( thaats when the hard core s*x ed kicked i here)   a parental presmission slip  to show  sti's to kind of scare your children  iinto  the dangers of unprotected s*x.  

    Also we had a  question box and if you had any somewhat emabarasisng Q;s you write them down and put them in a box an the teacher would answer them to  the best of her ability.  

  6. In sixth grade they taught us what the s*x organs look like. About puberty, periods, what s*x is, condoms, birth, and they made us watch a nasty video bout something but i covered my eyes :]

    It just basic stuff that everyone in middle school knows, cause we're always joking about it.

    I'm taking health ed this year, not sure what they're gunna teach.

    STD's were covered in presentations. They told us what the symptoms were but never pictures.

    They never showed us pictures of what "normal" is for anything, but that's what google is for :]

    They should though.

  7. typically, most schools teach just the basics; about condoms, birth control, where babies come from--in a tiny nutshell. Then, parents aren't much help these days either, because they're off working & a lot of kids are left on their own to find out answers..Soo they go on the internet or tv for answers..that's some scary stuff. Lucky for me, my parents were around when I was a teen & got REAL answers from them.  

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