
Toasting to beer instead of champagne....?

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I hate champagne,but my fiance thinks it will look bad to toast to a beer.Has anyone else toast to a beer or margarita other than the usual?




  1. Pour the beer in a champagne glass and... cheers!

  2. i say go for the beer.  my fiance and i are getting married in three weeks, and we both hate champagne and wine, as does the rest of our bridal party.  we will have wine for our guests, but good old miller light for the bridal party.  ignore the redneck comments.  this is YOUR wedding, and you are entitled to do what is best for you.  congratulations and good luck!!

  3. I have toasted with an empty glass of just water - beer is fine, if you do not like champagne why should you be forced to pretend you do.  It is acceptable and I hang out with friends who are avid drinkers and I am not.  

  4. Seriously, who cares?! Toast with whatever you like. Sheesh.

  5. you can toast to any drink.its the act of the toast thats important.not what you drink.who cares about what looks good.

  6. You can ask them to do beer. But remember, you're not really asked to drink the whole glass, you're just taking a small sip of it after the toast(s). I always hated champagne too, but was amazed when I took my sip during the toast at my wedding. It was the first champagne I have EVER liked. I actually wrote down the name at home to remember if I ever need champagne again.  

  7. YUCK! That's so tacky! If you don't like champagne, try a sparkling cider or grape juice.  

  8. Go for the beer!!

    My fiance and I are getting married in two weeks. My Mom has gone out and spent a lot of money on expensive toasting flutes and we are still toasting beer!

    It would be a waste toasting something you really don't like that much!


  9. My wedding is in five weeks and my fiance wants to toast to white wine. I want the champagne for tradition but he hates it and I hate white wine. I do not see anything wrong with the beer if that is what makes you happy. It is your wedding go for it.  

  10. didn't even have to read the rest of the questions...

    Here are some adjectives:




    Classy - no wait it would be the opposite

  11. If you’re worried, get colored champagne glasses so no one will know.  Unfortunately the ones I used are no longer made, but you can probably track some down online somewhere.

    It really doesn't matter though. That detail is so minor, I doubt most guests would even notice.  

  12. It doesn't matter, you can use what ever you want. Just pour it into the pretty champagne glass...Toasting with a can of beer...might get folks talking...I don't I just used punch at my wedding! It's all good! Happy Marriage!

  13. Pour some beer in a champagne glass ... and toast.

    Then drink your beer :)

  14. shouldnt matter what drink you have in the glass....a toast is a can use wine, margarita, or long as the speech made by the person toasting is one will care what beverage theyll be enjoying...

  15. We don't drink champagne either, so we're using whatever either of us wants from the bar.  I was going to order a case of champagne, but I couldn't find any relatives who actually drink it, so we're skipping it completely.  I doubt it will look bad and nobody needs to know....

    Best wishes!!!!!!!!

  16. Congrats on your upcoming marriage..

    This is your day..In my opinion, there is no right or wrong what makes you happy and enjoy the moment!

    Have fun and make that reception one is going to raise an eyebrow if you drink beer, milk or champagne!

  17. That is what we are doing! We do not like the taste of champagne and we are not having champagne glasses neither.  You can toast to whatever you like.  I would rather be in front of everyone drinking something that I can handle with good flavor vs. making the "nasty taste" face after taking a drink of something I can't stand.

  18. I don't drink and did a toast with tea at my best friend's wedding. Honestly, I don't think it really matters! Put the beer into a nice beer mug or something if you think it's going to be a problem. But really, I don't think it's a big deal.

  19. A lot of people don't make a show of pouring out the specific drink for toasting. When the best man or whoever gets ready to make the toast, everyone just raises their glasses of whatever they have. If you're asking about your drink specifically, because you're thinking of the pictures and whatnot, I'd say that if your affair is a really casual or nontraditional, you're fine. If you're having a pretty traditional reception, though, I'd say go with your goblet/glass of drinking water if you don't want to use cider or ginger ale. You can always go right back to your beer after the toast.

  20. Why dont you just have them pour beer in your glass, no one has to know.  

  21. Have you ever watched the ultimate redneck wedding on Country Music Television?  If not you should and you'll probably think twice about toasting to beer...

  22. I nice frosted mug, the beer poured to perfection, the lights turned down low, then your woman raises her glass for a toast.what more could a guy ask for? really there's a lot of people who do not enjoy champagne and they too toast with beer i did and no one even noticed. they are more interested in what you have to say rather than what you are drinking.

  23. I would just poor it in the champagne glass.  Do you drink any wine? That would work as well.

  24. Have sparkling cider instead it looks the same....  I hate champagne too so when the waiter comes around to pour it I always decline and they give me sparkling cider because that's what they give the people who are underage any way.  Bear may look a little different but the room wont be too brightly lit anyway so if that's what you want chances are people wont notice... Just put it in the champagne glass.

  25. I haven't, but I will. Champagne for my 250-300 guests is going to be a pretty penny, and not alot of our guests actually like to drink the stuff anyway. They'd rather have beer or Beam and Cokes, so that's what we're doing. I'm going to get a bottle or two for the bridal party, but as far as for the rest of the guests if they want to toast with beer, punch, or coffee,'s up to them.

  26. take stryn9n bb

    it'l do u & ur parents


  27. You can toast to with whatever you want. Most of the time, people toast with whatever drink they have in hand. However, if it is an absolute formal toast (say you're in a bridal court, at a business meeting, etc) then you would want to toast with champagne. Don't worry, a toast is usually just a sip of the liquid, not a guzzle.  

  28. People can use any drink that they want during a toast (especially the bride), but but you should still offer champange because that is what most people toast with.

  29. i hate champane to but beer  is tacky and margaritas look alittle weird i na champane glass take a classy drink even if its not champane

  30. You could also use a sparkling cider (i.e. Martinelli's) for your toasts if you want something that looks champagne-y; our formal reception was at the church so we had to use sparkiling cider and it was fine, then those of us old enough went to a bar where a friend of mine worked for just a couple of drinks.

  31. We did all of our toasts and things at the rehearsal dinner. We didn't want to bore everyone at the wedding with long drawn out speeches. I think it is okay to drink whatever is in your hand as a guest. But as the bride and groom you should suck it up for one toast and drink champagne. Or drink beer out of a champagne glass. Everyone who knows you probably knows you don't like champagne. I don't like it at all.  

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