
Tobacco question?

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i live in Pa and ive always wondered what would happen if u attepmted 2 buy tobacco underage, regradeless if u got it or not....but could u get into trouble, such as a fine or any penalities??? jw thx




  1. the store owner can just not sell it to you. for all he knows you might be helping with the alcohol/tabacco control board to stop them from selling to minors (one of my friends used to do that before he turned 21). but you can also be charged with something if you try

  2. Usually they will just not sell to you..But if they want they can press charges against you for attempting to purchase underage.. Dont even try.

  3. If you buy tobacco underage I think you only have to give it back and pay a fine. I would really doubt  that you'd have to go to juvie or anything.

    The penalty is far far greater for the seller; the buyer I don't think has much to worry about.

  4. if you don't use a fake ID and don't try to have someone buy it for you. you are good.

    Nothing can happen other than the guy kicking you out of the store. If he's a paranoid freak and calls the cops you can say that you didn't know the age was 18. Nothing can happen!
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