
Tobogganing? What kind of "sled" goes fastest???

by  |  earlier

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An inner tube?

A wood sled?

A crazy carpet?

Or what else can you use instead? I wanna go cuz we just got so much snow today - but I don't have a toboggan.

And also.... where can you get one cheap in Ontario Canada?

Just like Ricky Bobby...... I wanna go fast !!! lol




  1. I still have my SPV-2 sled my parents bought me over 35 years ago and it works like a champ. We just took it out this weekend near Yosemite and had a blast with it. Even us adults were able to enjoy it. I don't see how these could be dangerous compared to todays sleds. These are a lot more sturdy than the ones I have seen in the stores lately that are just thin plastic and the SPV-2 has brakes on it too. I just think they made them too well that they don't need to be replaced every year like today's Made in China junk.

  2. We have the same orange and black SPV-2 sled. Our grand children are now enjoying it.......... the one they fight over.  Don't remember where we got it, but it is a keeper.  Wish we could find more.

  3. I have an orange and black SPV sled.  My grandfather bought it for me 40 years ago.  In all the years since then, I have always been the one who went fastest and farthest on any hill we have sledded.  Never seen anyone write about it on the Internet.  I assume it must be made of something horribly dangerous or carcinogenic and that is why they don't make them any more.  But me and my kids have been safe for 40 years so far.  And we are always King of the Hill.  If you can find a used one, get it.

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