
Today 29 yeasr ago my?

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bgiver gave birth to me. How do you think she feels today. Do you think she will say a little prayer or do something in her own way to selabraite my birthday.




  1. I thought about my daughter every birthday. I'd say, today's her birthday, I wish I was there. Then I'd cry all day and feel sorry for myself.

    Happy birthday to you, I'm sure your bmom is thinking of you.

  2. Dear Sweet Kacey,


    I know this is something you struggle with as I have followed some of your past questions. I wish I could answer for your mother and ease your heart but sadly I can only answer for myself.

    For me every day is a day I think about my children (I placed a boy and a girl with infertile and desperate "friends" in an "open" adoption gone bad.) I love my children more than I can express and allowing them to be separated from me was the biggest mistake I ever made. I suffer for it and for our losses every day. It is my cross to bear and I hope will everything that I am that they have not suffered too greatly because of it. Holidays and especially BIRTHDAYS are the hardest. There have been years I wasn't able to get out of bed it hurt so much.

    I have a big box full of cards and gifts photos and letters I have kept over the years for them. It is added to often. On birthdays my entire family observes a sort of "day of mourning" and we talk about what they might be like and how much we miss them. My raised children are only now beginning to understand and while they are accepting, they miss their siblings too. We keep them in our hearts and memories and lives as much as we can.

    I keep a candle burning next to their picture for the day. I let it burn all the way down and the I make a wish that someday we will see each other again and I can say all those things I have been keeping locked in my heart. There are ALWAYS tears.

    I know that you my not find comfort in my words but I wanted to share them. I am truly sorry for your pain and anger. My heart goes out to you - especially today. I hope for today you can see the gifts she DID manage to give to you and find a little solace in them. I sincerely hope that you will find your peace and hope you will accept my wishes for a Happy Birthday.

    ETA: ((((((HUGS))))) & tears from me! :)

  3. I recently had a long conversation with my mother-in-law after the adoption of my son.  We didn't know she'd given up a child for adoption in the 60's, when being a single mom was just too taboo.  The decision affected her entire life.  Not only did she think of him every day, worry everytime she saw a wreck or a storm in the area he was adopted, but she also had no idea how to tell her family, and how to find him.  She ended up being a very stressed woman, and one day ended up in the hospital.  Being reunited was just the push she needed, and has been having much better health now!The adoption was done in a small town, and about everyone in town knew.

    To make a long story short, they were re-united, and slowly the family has been getting to know one another.  On father's day, our adoption was final that week, we were surprised with an early grandchild born (fine), and "J" called his brother.  We now know that it takes over 3 hours for the cell phone battery to go dead.  The re-union has been wonderful, and I feel all were lucky, because he loves his adoptive parents, and feels blessed to have been placed, and is loving being re-united at the same time.  His kids and family have shared many pictures in just a few hours on myspace.  We also had curiosity of how it felt to be adopted, because on this forum, I see so many negative things about it, and it was great to meet a happy adoptee, especially since we are raising our son who happens to be adopted.  Both have so many similarities, it's unreal.  Both golf, fish, hunt, and both have raised children who couldn't be adopted because of the bio fathers (both deadbeats), and both had tried adult adoption to their older kids, so it seems like there are a lot of genetics involved there.

    Also remember, a person who is old enough to be your mother might not have been educated about the internet, and might not know how easy it is to trace you now.  There are many registries, and hopefully, one day you'll have a happy reunion also.  When you were given up for adoption, it was different than today, where open adoptions are commonplace.  What I've seen is 7 different people who were adopted that ended up knowing at least 1-3 of their biological relatives after they were reunited and put the pieces together.  I bet your first mom had so many regrets.  In most of the cases of adoption, especially private adoption, the first moms just were overwhelmed with being single parents, and kids don't come with instruction books.   This can lead to poor choices, and I bet she thinks about you a lot, like every time she sees a baby, or a woman your age, or a child with the same hair color.  She probably wonders if you look like her.

  4. I bet she does. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.  Years ago it was a big deal to give a child away today it's nothing and some of the birth mothers don't care but back then i bet they did.

       Why I say that is my son get's his sweet little boy next month for a month( he's still fighting for him)  He was put up for adoption without my son's consent. The birth mother and my son also has a daughter that is older. My son get's her to for the same month/ He asked this woman if she wanted to see her son or atleast met him and she said no. Tell me if she will remember his birthday I dought it  HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

  5. depends if she is a good person or not? If she is she will, if shes mean, she wont. HAPPY BIRTHAY FROM ME :)

  6. I hope she does

    Happy Birthday

  7. Happy birthday!

    I can't answer your question but I often wonder if my son's original mother thinks of him on his birthday....
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