
Today's fundraiser for Obama brought him $230million & Bill Clinton is really supporting him what is McCain do

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oops, what is McCain doing? I hear all these positive things about Obama. What did McCain accomplish today?




  1. McCain doesnt need MONEY to win.    Obama supporters already came to my house, sent me 2 flyers and called me twice, they are PESTS!   I burned one flyer and use the other on my dart board.       Hope that Obama's big investors like Soros and Buffett don't keep up the Gas Speculation or gas will rise to about 6-7 a gallon soon!    

    Clintons are only supporting Obama so their debt gets paid off, Im pretty sure on that!

  2. He met up with some g*y republicans.

  3. you only heard about Obama because the national news media is in love with him.

    Today McCain supported the right to bare arms decision, and the capitol punishment for child rapist decision. He also knows that there are more answers to our state of energy requirements, and is willing to work so that most people can have what they want in ecology and in oil revenues.

  4. Samething he would do with the presidency whatever d**k Cheney tells bush to tell him to do! Nothing  unless its waste more money on the war for oil!

  5. I didn't know that, thanks for the info.  Do you have a link to the article?  

    I heard McCain is heading back to AZ cause he refuses to work on weekends.  How his he going to run this country if he refuses to work on weekends?

  6. I'm glad that Obama is raising so much money, but what makes you think that McCain is doing nothing. The idiot here that said McCain doesn't work weekends is just the kind of person who needs to put his prejudice aside for once. I, myself am not a news junkie and do not pay attention to every thing politics , so I have no idea what goes on daily, but I just had to put my two cents in here.

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