
Today's my Birthday!!! What Do You Think Of Us Cancers??

by Guest63628  |  earlier

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what is your personally opinion on us crabs?

are we weak? sappy? missunderstood?

thanks for any answers.

and woooooh! today's my birthday!

-cancer w/ aries rising




  1. Sorry - I'm always late =)

    Happy (belated) Birthday!!!!!

    Cancers are NOT weak! I've known a lot and all of them were strong in different ways. Maybe just a little sappy, but that's a plus with strength. Misunderstood? Only when the moons out - I have Cancer and some crazy Aqua, so I always feel misunderstood then.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! (better late than never=))

    Libra sun

    Aqua moon

    Cap rising

  2. Congrats!!!!!!!  Happy Birthday of course!!!  I love crabs.  I am a crab and I think that we are some of the most interesting people ever.  We are cool and a lot of other stuff.  You are blessed to be one of us.

  3. Happy Birthday! I think us Cancers are special. Although I don't like how I get upset over silly stuff sometimes, I'm an over-thinker. But other than that, we are cool! Very emotional!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!  I think Cancer women are attractive and kind.

  5. my birthday is today too :D:D and us cancers, man, we are the best. loving and caring. something nooone can resist. have a wonderful birthday :D

  6. happy birthday!my grandma was one i she was the best!!!congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... hug and hugsy!!!!enjoy your day!!

  7. Belated happy birthday!

    Cancers are great. My bestfriend's bday is today. We're going to party =)


  8. Well i have a Cancer mom and a couple Cancer frineds, i do think that Cancers tend to get hurt WAY to easily and i hate when Cancers get hurt and then they dont want to talk about it but i do love how they are very nice and caring, i hate how they usually dont stick up for them selfs and i hate how emotioanal they are.


  9. Happy B-day! anyway, crabs are GREAT!

  10. Hey Shady!! :) Happy Birthday! Here you go

    More presents!

    A cancer the Crab t-shirt

    Cool shoes you can wear to party (make sure you dont fall)

    And a brand new car lmao

    What I think about Cancers.... I think they are the friendliest people and they make great friends/ family members/ partners, whatever it is, they're great at it. :)

  11. well first of all happy b'day to u !!! :D

    well even iam a cancerian n a lot of people say that cancerians are pretty emotional n usually dont get a good friend circle but its not always true with everyone .....

  12. Happy Birthday!

    I'm a Cancer with an Aries Rising as well. :)

    In my personal opinion, Cancers are one hilarious group of people - in both humor and characteristics. We are "luna"-tics in more ways than one. Yes, we have our moments but who doesn't? (Sadly, we're said to have more. Lol.) Though, it's not like we go Cancer-ing (both good and bad) to everyone we meet, only to our closest peeps. In fact, our friends tend to be rather surprised of our wacky personalities because we're usually reserved elsewhere. It's a curse, but it's also a blessing being us.

  13. many happy baby is due 2day but nothin has happened yet..cancerians are complicated...

  14. I love cancers. I wish I was a moonchild.

    I'm an aries with a cancer rising. I think the cancer rising helps my personality a lot.

    although, I'd rather have aries as my sun sign, because cancers can rend to be a little bit pansy.

  15. My bday is on the 20th!! We crabbies are unique people our emotions are what make us the people we are.

  16. Aww, Hppay Brithady! Can you raed tihs? Of crouse you can.  Yur'oe an initllgnet Cnaecr! AHAHAHAH ♥

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