
Today do you have confidence that Anheuser-Busch will remain largely the same?

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InBev is not considered a community or employee first company.




  1. No.

    Those that say they do not care better get ready to cry when the large brewers like Boston Brewing and New Belgium get bought out. This is the history in business and it is no different in the brewing industry.

    In order to survive some craft brewers will merge making them bigger and then be bought out.

    I maintain it is a shame that the long standing mega brewers are no longer USA companies but it is the world today. ECONOMICS rule all.

    No I have no confidence that InBev will keep things the same at A-B companies. They have plans to expand A-B Blue Ocean plan of cuts. They are also going to sell off the companies portfolio to pay for the takeover.

    Anheuser-Busch InBev

    The other crazy story of past American brewers.


  2. No, but then again...I don't care.

    InBev as you said is notorious for cutting any means necessary. Unfortunately they control much of the international market. You'd have to swear off much of the imports if you didn't want to patronize them. No Hoegaarden, no Stella...

    No matter what the TV tells you Budweiser products were mediocre at best. I didn't drink it before...I'm not going to start because a ad campaign told me to.

    Drink better beer and support local. Find a brewpub or microbrewery.


    I must concur with Hop Head...I've been on about SABMiller and Budweiser InBevs shady business practices for weeks now. Miller especially is notorious for muscling its competition, from buying brewpubs that were cutting into their profits in Milwaukee to strong arming stores/distributors to reduce shelf space for other smaller brands.

    Check out this question I posted not to long ago...;...

  3. Hopefully the beer gets better, because every one of their beers suck horribly. I wouldn't want to see the employees get affected though.

  4. ABSOLUTELY NOT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    This was another US corporate sell-out to the international multi-national cartels who control the world.  There is something wrong when a nation allows its home-born and home-grown businesses to sell out to foreign interests or to move off-shore!  They should be banned from doing business in our nation.

    No more Bud Light for me!  I think I'll stick to Guinness for now on.

  5. With the Inbev take over there are sure to be some changes coming but likely nothing major as far as the product being produced goes although we may see some new names hitting the american market. Truely sad to see another great american born company being sold off.

  6. I would have more sympathy for them if they hadn't spent years and considerable sums of money trying to stop a brewery, that is actually located IN the Czech city of Budweis, from calling their beer Budweiser:

    thus attempting to claim trademark rights over a word that simply denotes a style of beer, like Pilsner! This makes them one of the bad guys in my book. In most of Europe, (excluding UK), if you ask for Budweiser you will probably not be served the Anheuser-Busch product.

    Across most of the world, Anheuser-Busch is just seen as one of the money-grubbing corporate firms like Disney, McDonalds, Coke, Microsoft etc. Being owned by a supranational giant like InBev will make no real difference to that.

    Why not drink beer from a small, local brewery - you'll be making more of a difference to your community, and as a bonus will be drinking better beer too.

  7. They are known to cut jobs. Even with A-B planning on cuts, which most was for an early retirement package, InBev will make the cuts deeper. Many jobs will be lost because of InBev.

    It is not so much of being a foreign company but a huge company that is bad.

    For those now only drinking imported beers such as Guinness you are as bad as InBev. The money still flows out of the US.

  8. They won't change it because it is very popular and they want it to keep selling.  This company produces many different brands of beer, so  they might come out with new one that is similar. This is what happens when the American Dollar becomes so cheep that it's a bargain for foreign companies to buy American Companies. Thanks Mr. Bush.

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