
Today i ended my friendship with a bestfriend! HELP! ?

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ok so today me and my friend of 4 years got in this HUGE fight! and we have ended our friendship!! i wasn't happy being her friend but it still kinda hurts how now r friendship is just over just like that!! how do i get over this and have a blast with out having her in my life?




  1. Well for a start I'd suggest that you become friends again, I mean if you cant forget about her, you still like her inside

  2. I ended a friendship with someone I had know for my entire life and it was really tough.  You have to be mature and honest about the situation.  Write down a list of why you did it... kind of like a pros and cons list.  It will help you know that you made the right decision.  I realized that I am so much better without her and I don't need to waste my time on people I don't fully love and appreciate.  If someone is ever dragging you down, then drop them, because life is too short.  You will obviously get through this.  Just forget her, have fun and call up your other friends.  Make sure you don't gossip about the old friend or do anything mean to her, because you don't want to burn bridges.  Good luck!

  3. well if u guy arent friends over something stupid then i saw apoligize. me and my friends have gotten in fights over the stupidest things and now we look back and laugh about them. if you really dont want to be her friend it would hurt not being her friend. but if u want to move on just start hanging out with other people and once you start having a good time youll forget all about her.

  4. That one is kinda hard seeing that u guys were bff for like 4 yrs, that kind of friendship don't just disintegrate over night hun, are u sure there's no way you guys cannot reconcile your differences and be friends again, that is hard to loose a bff of 4 yrs, wow, think about it love and see if it's worth throwing all away.

  5. well you can never get someone that was that close to you out of your life, i went through this and i regret it all the time that i ended our friendship. i think you should still be friends but not exactaly best friends

  6. Wow, thats very hard to believe, its sad to see 4 years of memories between you and your best friend gone all because of one huge fight, if you guys still want to be best friends, you should talk to each other and figure out a solution. if you werent happy with being her best friend. then good luck finding somebody who will understand you, your needs, and what you need the most in life.=/

    if you wanna move on. go and hang out with friends that she isnt close to.

    Proceed, Progress.

    I love sara cropper:)

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