
Today i have to go in a wedding so plz tell me what to wear?

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Today i have to go in a wedding so plz tell me what to wear?




  1. If the wedding is today, you might need to wear something you already own. For guys, a suit and tie or jacket and tie is always appropriate - if the wedding is more casual, just take off the tie when you get there. If you're a girl, a simple dress, a skirt and nice top, or dress pants and a nice top will be fine. For either gender, no jeans (that includes jean skirts), no sweatshirts. Think "church dressy."

  2. googel wedding attire

    it depends what time and weather/inside outside

    to dress appropriately and acceptable the invitation should have stated time and what agenda would be a dinner

    and dance

    reception light hors derves look aat wedding

    contact a nother guest if able and you really could phone a bridal place and tell them situation and what the invite staes for a suggestion they may try and sell you an item>>>

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