
Today i just go at and now are videos on the site.what can i do to play frugooscape?

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how can i play frugooscape ?




  1. I think they are updating it,but im not sure.Probobly updating runecrafting and prayer because they have a lot of glitches.This happened in may and it usually takes about 3 hours- 2 days.

  2. you cant play it right now they are still working on it but just wait! plz rate mine the best answer!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  3. We are coming back up with frugoo scape we are getting a new server faster and can handle more world our old server is gone so about 72% of the accounts are missing but we are recoverying as many as we can and for the first week of the game back online you mite not have all your stats just give it moment they will be back hopefully we can finish by tomor or maybe tonight.  

  4. Frugooscape is currently being updated.

    Want to buy runescape and frugooscape accounts for as cheap as can be go the to buy accounts at the lowest prices! level 69 for 15 bucks!

  5. if i were you id think it was a little suspicous because 2 months ago they updated it and again why would they update it in 2 months please rate me to

  6. i think they are working on updates...but they are resetting accounts too -.-

  7. FRUGOOSCAPE ABOLISH!!! omg... i`m so sorry... yesterday when i wanted to enter on frugooscape, i was like OMG! I`ve tryied to play frugooscape, but than, at a moment, i`ve just saw an link and entered. When i saw i was taken aback... It says that frugooscape was ABOLISH! The only reason to abolish frugooscape was that frugooscape was ilegal! And that`s why... Was a little bit to ugly because was my birthday... And idk now what will happen in future with frugoo... I`ve seen youtube videos there were was home page of frugooscape... And now, FRUGOOSCAPE DOESN`T EXIST ANYMORE...

  8. are u relly sure there updating it cuzz i relly wanna play :(((((((((((

  9. these are you tube videos why dont you watch

    but just press play button in frugoscape

  10. z0mg. Me too...I'm so ****ing mad. It better be on tomorrow...I hate youtube...ffs. If there was an update, wouldn't they notify us first?  WEIRD. Good luck...

  11. its going 2 be done in about 30 minuets- 90000 hour so.... all u have 2  do is wait.

    i mean i want 2 play 2 but u know..... **** that jegex noobs...

    z0mg i hurd rumers that thy deleted it cuz its like "runescape"

    . y dont the yclose down mopar????????

    omg.... so nooby ahhhhhhh!

  12. lol!and runescape is way better than fruggoscape! but i like fruggooscape also jagex b*****s better hurry up or im gonna shove my boot up their *** so far their grand grand grandchildren will feel it! so jagex hurry ur slow *** up befofre i make u! and i guess keep tryin to play

  13. guys it's an update jagex wouldnt want to close it. . . . . think about it. . . . . .   they want ppl to s e e what it's like to have that full dragon so they will b e c o m e   members in runescape.....but rofl i just play frugoo it pwns. and also these are reasons it's closed....UPDATES:  glitches=1,000,000,000,000 in frugooscape+it's happened before. prayer runecrafting glitches. duel arena glitch ='( i love that 1!! OR he was grounded or w e i dont know his age. he's out of town so he doesnt want bugs and c**p to happen on the game. or he needs to fix a major problem maybe hacked virus bugs etc. sooooo if u want proff it's not closed lol it's right in your nose. It would say SORRY THIS WEBSITE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. . . OR THIS SITE IS CLOSED DUE TO COPY RIGHT CONCERNS. it actully gives u a site he says watch the vids until he's done updating. so hope  this helped go frugoo ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  14. lol dude im  the only 1 tht playin! i kept a tab open of world 1 andi  just clik log on and booi have everything to myself!

  15. Jagex said they closed it down.

  16. i hope it not shut down but it probably is just updates

  17. if its true that they are just updating the website I cant wait hopefully they will let us do quests

  18. Dude i hope its not deleted, i had one of the best accts on realm 2, and just made a new one on realm one...

    Realm 1- C r a c k

    Realm 2- X choppa x

    this is lame if they deleted it.. for real!

  19. this is getting me really bord ive been w8ing sence 7 o clock and tommarow i got school =/

    so i hope they finish today

  20. I think they are updating it but,I hope they finish fast I'm bored.

  21. I'm Having The Same Problem.  So I Guessing That The Creator Of Frugooscape Is Doing a Site Update Or Fixing the Prayer Smite Because It Doesn't Go Down, Or Some Other Error's Like Getting Into Castle Wars Because You Have To Glitch To Get Inside Castle Wars And Stuff, Or Maybe He's Fixing Mini Games Or Adding Guilds(that would be pwnage) or he's adding skill cape emotes(that would also be pwnage) Nobody knows so i guess we'll just have to wait and see Let's Hope That You tube Didn't Buy Frugooscape Out Or Anything Like That and hope that the update or what ever is happening is good.

    -Killzone X

  22. may be they doing update i hpe  update are good.

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