
Today i went to take the asvab army test but i failed the test what should i do??

by  |  earlier

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by the way you pass the asvab test with 31 points i had 20 how should i approach this situation so next time which is next month i can pass the test and exceed the score of 31??? FULL RATINGS FOR ANSWER




  1. Well, maybe you shouldn't go to the army...? After all, it's like selling your soul. It's h**l. Those advertisements you see on TV, they're all hype... There are plenty of other paths you can take, you know..

  2. At this point, I suggest you stay away from the military.  You need to obtain some basic academic skills.  Start there.  Work through those, and concentrate on going to college.  It will give you more options.  I know...I've been down both roads.

  3. GO to the library and get the ASVAB study guide or go back to the school you attended or are attending and ask for some tutoring. Scoring a 31 is not that difficult.  

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