
Today in australia it was STEVE IRWIN DAY.what are your thoughts on Steve?

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it has been 14 months since his death, but because he is on t.v. and still in the media, for me it is hard to believe he is gone at all. thank you sammi.




  1. I think Steve Irwin cared deeply about wildlife, and the environments they need to survive.  

    I think he brought a lot of knowledge to people and children, and made them care about animals they might not have cared about, I.E. the ones that were NOT cute, cuddly, fuzzy, with big eyes.

    I think he was very often totally iresponsible in how he handled animals, getting MUCH too up close and personal with wildlife.  

    If I had a child, and lived in an area with venomous snakes, I would NEVER have allowed my child to watch him, since he was always handling the snakes, and dangerous reptiles.  

    My Mom was a zoo keeper at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.  All of my baby/tot pictures are of me, with wildlife, from raccoons, to cheeta cubs.  I was taught from birth how to be around, and properly interact with wildlife.  Very often that means NOT handling/touching the animal.

    There has hardly been a day in my life when I have not been interacting with both wild, and domestic animals.  There are some things you simply sould NOT do.  Despite it all, I still liked Steve Irwin.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  2. Although lots of people think he's overacting...but i think he's brilliant..R.I.P Steve!

  3. I enjoyed his show and his vibrancy.  I am sorry he is gone.

  4. Steve Irwin was a huge personality that was able to share his great appreciation for wildlife.  Without his TV show, we wouldn't have even known that crocodiles and other species were endangered.  

    My kids grew up watching him and learning about 'crocs' and so many other types of wildlife.  

    My kids and I learned that because of what we're doing to our environment is forcing some types of wildlife into extinction.  We also learned that we have to live our lives so that wildlife can thrive.  

    Doing our part is easy if we just recycle and are careful about what we throw away and how we throw it away.  Even though crocodiles don't live in Kansas, USA, we have to be conscious of the wildlife that lives and thrives in our environment.

    We are glad that his wife and daughter, Bindy and son, Robert are continuing to teach people about wildlife and helping preserve it in any way we can.  

    We make an impact in virtually everything we do.  Mr Irwin taught us so much and he did it such a fun and entertaining way.  He touched so many lives and likely saved millions of wildlife, too.

    To carry on his memory you can teach others to be aware of their environment and be the example of wildlife preservation.

  5. Hes a wonderful man, not many poeple really bonds with animals that much. Really sad he has gone

  6. Animal antogonist!  and it was only a matter of time before he GOT HIS!    Very bad example to young children of how to behave with animals.

  7. Irwin was a great man. He publicized many environmental issues and showed many people exotic animals of the world. His work was admirable. Hopefully his work will influence others to follow in his footsteps and work to save the animals. I totally think that there should be a Steve Irwin Day. It will keep his dream alive.

  8. What stands out for me when considering Steve, is, what would he have brought to our community and even civilisation in 10 or 15 years? I think only people with great passion like he displayed, can really cause great and lasting change in how individuals interact with their environment. I believe his passion would not have faded, and he had broad shoulders. Imagine how much wiser he would have been in 15years, and imagine how many people would have adjusted their lifestyles to manifest his visions. This I think is the great loss for our community and our environment. I think this is the reason that his children may, if they so choose, be the ones to carry on his work so that what might have been, can still be. He was the brightest shooting star I have seen in my short history alive. There was no reason he would not have stood with some of this and last centuries greatest humanitarians; he was doing us a service and if nothing else, we need to believe that great people are still being born and will make great changes!

    This is my religious experience, witnessing humans do great things for the world and every creature upon it.

  9. i think steve was and is a great guy. he is the best and he taught his kids well i am so sad he is gone. gone but never forgoten.

  10. I'm really sad he's gone because he is really great because he can teach us lots of stuff about animals and that we should take care of them. Wish he's still here. . .

  11. To here of his death the way it happened suddenly and unexpectedly was very heart breaking having to leave his family behind. I'm happy that his family is still pursuing their dedication to the love and care of the animal world.

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