
Today in practice....?

by Guest33385  |  earlier

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when in was setting the ball my middle finger started to hurt really bad. what did i do wrong to it. my fingers always hurt when i set the balll. am i doing something wrong? help!




  1. you probly are make sure that you keep your fingures close and to strengthen your fingers you can do wall push ups! it helps im serious!

  2. i had that problem when i was on JV..but now on Varsity i know/. u keep your fingers strong and bent and push up with your elbows. thats how i was taught.i had to do finger push ups to make them stronger. *stand like 3 ft away from a wall and push urs away from it with your fingers*

    hope this helps

    u can im or amil me with any questions at all.....its

  3. you are most likely stressed and not relaxing your fingers enough. Try relaxing the fingers and remember to let them "spring" when you set. Your middle finger takes most of the impact so if you are playing with girls who have hard hits avoid setting those just set after a bump. it could also be a minor jam. Ice your fingers and give them a break for a day or so.

  4. you probably just jammed your finger. it happens a lot. go to your schools trainer and see if they can help in any way. if not just ice it afterwards.

  5. always warm up your hands before u practice. try doing about 100-500 short fast sets against the wall. and stretch ur wrists also. and keep ur thumbs back or u will jam them. and about ur middle finger u prolly just jammed it alittle. but if it hurts real bad tape it. hope this helps!!

  6. You're probably just not doing it the right way. Use your legs to help get the ball to where it needs to go so you don't set a bad one. Your hands & fingers should be a triangle at your forehead. If your finger gets swollen and hurts even more, tell your coach!!!

  7. You might just have hit your finger in the wrong way...i would go home and ice your finger, espeically if it starts swelling....if it hurts next time you start playing, just discuss it with you coach and ask if you can not practice setting because you dont want to hurt your finger even more! If your coach is smart, she/he will let you sit our!!

  8. Hard to say, i would need to watch you volley.  Why don't you ask your couch?  Your couch has every right to know that your fingers are hurting.  When I played volleyball in high school i would tape my fingers when i jammed them.

  9. You shouldn't be using your middle finger too much when you set.
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