
Today in san diego there is the motocross event...?

by  |  earlier

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i have 3 tickets. me, my sister, and her little boy(my nephew) are going.

my boyfriend wants to go too, but...

is it possible that my nephew can get in free (because he is 5) and my boyfriend take his ticket??

or maybe if my boyfriend goes, he can buy a ticket there and have the same seating as us?? because we have really good seats.

please help.




  1. You would need to contact the promotors to find out the correct information regarding this, but most likely they would refuse you entry as a five year old is old enough to need a ticket of their own.  They would allow a baby in but very much doubt if they would allow a five year old.  The ticket should have a number you could contact to ask the question of whether tickets are still available for the event and i suggest you contact them to find out.

  2. Try to get another ticket in the same seating area. Try to buy one when you get there or on EBay.

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