
Today is Earth Day! What did you do to help the environment?

by Guest62957  |  earlier

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What did u do to contribute to Earth day?

me and a whole bunnch of other people went and picked up trash all over my community.then we went into the center and held up HUGE posters that had little messages on them

they said-

-Recycle.conserve water.hug a tree.pick up trash.ANYTHING WORKS!-We only have one earth,Why ruin it?-Recycle.dude.its not that hard!-do your part.

-save the CAN make a difference too.

so thats what we what did u do to help out?any suggestions for next year?this is for everyone reading this question and for the people answering after u answer ,read the other answers.also i just wanted to say that it dosnt have to be earth day to make a special point to help the earth.consider this WEEK earth week.or just any day earth day.get out there and help the earth!


ohh p.s for all those people who think global warming is a hoax,dont respond to the quetion.if u wanna ,u can.but u'll only make ur self be an ignorant basterd.w.e .






  1. Awesome!  

    I had a bake sale at school and raised money to send to the Nature Conservancy to save the rainforest in Costa Rica.  

    I turned out all the extra lights in my house.  

    I'm picking up trash tomorrow and Friday.  

    I started a recycling program at my school with our Environmental Club and...

    we are going to have a recycled fashion show in May and contribute all the money to help save the planet!

  2. I made sure every item that can be recycled went in the proper bin.

    Used water from faucet only when needed.

    Tonight I will wash at night to conserve water and have a lower water bill.

    Walked ooh and made sure every light was off if not in use.

    These things I do every day though hehe.

    I would love to do more and was thinking of helping to plant trees but I don't need it to be earthday to do so. I can do it another week.

  3. walked to the store, walked to the gym and recycled scrap paper.

  4. biked to work,

    Picked up a few things along the way

    Helped a turtle cross the street without getting smushed.

  5. -Planted tree for volunteer work

    -Took a 3 minute shower

    -Didn't talk at all today, used sign language at school with my friends, didn't give out as many carbon dioxide for global warming

    -Didn't use any product that affected the ozone layer

  6. Honestly, I didn't even know it was earth day until I was listening to the news tonight.  

    But...I did walk to work and carpooled home, so I guess that counts!  LOL.

  7. I took a direct flight instead of connecting through Cleveland.

  8. I ignored all the hype and continued to be a productive citizen.

  9. 1) took the train to the city

    2) walked a TON

    3) yesterday walked everywhere

  10. hmmm...I used natural fertilizer (chicken and rabbit manure) and I walked everywhere I went except to Wal-Mart because it is a bit far.

  11. i planted 15 trees and picked up trash by the high way and park!!! go earth

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