
Today is my 6th day being late for my period?

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I've taken 2 of the dollar store pregnancy tests, which they actually use at doctors offices. I would think if I'm pregnant I would be about 3 weeks along but they've both come up negative. We're trying to get pregnant so I hope it's just too easy to tell yet. Should I go out and spend a whole lot of money on those early show pregnancy tests? What do you guys suggest? What do you think?




  1. hpts are not 100% reliable, some women never have a positive with one of them when pregnant, if you are 6 days late and usually regular, get blood test done at doctors..

    lots of luck to you

  2. The dollar store tests detect the hcg hormone at a lower level that most higher costing brands.  So, I wouldn't worry about the type of test.  It's true it could still be too early to test positive.  You could try one of those 5 day before you start tests.  I'm not sure what they are called.  But wait a few days then try first thing in the morning.  Good Luck!!

  3. Periods can be late due to many things like stress of trying to fall pregnant. I have know a woman who did not get a positive reading on a home test until almost 10 weeks along. Try a blood test from your doctor.

  4. use a more trusted brand of urine test or ask ur doctor for a blood test which will confirm it if you are pregnant, yes you could be as the cheap tests are not always reliable. hth

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