
Today is very very hot. here in my city.. what do you think that must i do ???

by  |  earlier

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dont tell me about beach.. even the sea bad idea..!!!




  1. I find keeping the back of my neck cool with a constant neck cloth (they sell these) or make your own (freeze a wet face cloth)

    if you don't need to be anywhere important - keep your head(hair) wet (cool - to cold water) and keep your feet cool - to cold. I find keeping my extremities cold keeps my temperature down. My husband's family owns a restaurant and they all keep ice cold bandanas around the backs of their necks (Or wet rags) and they swear by it. try it , the worst that happens is you'll  get a little wet...

  2. Take all your clothes off and have FUN!!!

  3. Keep working on the net!!!!!!!!!!

  4. maby go to a theme park or the zoo. go for a bike ride with your friends. go to a good park with the dog haha. well hope i helped lol.

  5. Vai a mare!  Forza Catania!

  6. keep calm, make sure you drink a lot (best is water, no sodas or alcohol) and try to find a cool place to stay in. the shade, some air conditioned place. what city are you in?

  7. take off all your clothes.

  8. as soon as u go in the shower blast the cold water on you ,TRUST ME THIS WURKS!!


  10. sit in a big play pool of ice with friends!

  11. swimming in a swimming pool, taking a looooong shower, stand in front of an aincon all day...

  12. Go to a bar and have some cool cool drinks.

  13. go to the park in your underpants and lurk in a bush

  14. Quit moaning for one's cold where I am!!!!!!

    You could always go to a bar and chill out with a few beers! Can I come????!!!!!!!!!

  15. get a smoothie and drink lots and lots of water!

  16. go to the supermarket and hang out by the chilled foods...

    pretend you're spending a lot of time choosing the right cheese!

  17. in ingleterra e freddo oggi!

  18. Well you can go swimming or take a bath lol

  19. Above all you must sweat. Bad physiological changes will occur if you do not.

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