
Today me and friend saw this bright flash in the sky and the like a light trail after it does anyone have any?

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astronomy stars ufo




  1. its called a fireball,believe it or not thats the name that some scientist gave them,i saw one the other day and i was perplexed as to what it was so i looked it up,there caused by its pretty much a meteor,but its bigger so it was brighter,when you see a dim meteor,or "shooting star"is caused by a particle of dust or rock that enters the atmosphere and burns up due to friction.what you seen though was caused by something much bigger probably the size of a fist.ant it leaves that eerie trail and after glow behind that lasts for several seconds.and that tail that you seen was ionized gas from the atmosphere

  2. Meteor .. we are 'hit' all the time ..

    The REALLY big ones arrive every 50 million years or so .. then it becomes an 'impact event' .. the last big one was about 65 million years ago** and well visible to the Dinosaurs ...

    [**so the 'next' one is 15 million yrs overdue = let's hope we DON'T get to see one :-) ]

  3. was it day or night?

    If day, check this out

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