
Today my colleague said to me....?

by  |  earlier

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I don' t really like my male colleague because he always stood so close to me. It was as if he is going to harass me. He is in charge of all the batteries that go with the wireless mouse. Today, the mouse gone flat so i took some batteries out from the cupboard. Then I told him about that. He asked me so awkwardly " where did you find these batteries? No one except me know where they are. They are supposed to lock in somewhere and you need a key to get it. We used to have staff stealing batteries and I hope you are not one of them." I explained to him that the batteries are not locked in the cupboard and anyone can get access to them. He does not believe me. Do you think he is taking on revenge? What should I defend myself if the batteries in the unlocked cupboard are lost?




  1. He is trying to put the blame on you because he has not properly secured the batteries. I would report his remarks and his actions to the boss.  

  2. He is attacking you. You don't need to defend yourself when he is in the wrong. Besides everyone knows he takes the batteries for his personal use because he can't get a woman. (yes that's why he walks funny)

  3. I don't understand.

    You have already stated that HE is in charge of the batteries.

    If he failed to properly secure them, that's his fault.  

    You took some batteries out of a supply closet and used them in your mouse.  Why would you be in trouble?

    Take a deep breath and calm down.  Getting so keyed up about this just makes you look guilty.  If your boss asks you about it, just say,"Sure, I took some batteries for my mouse.  I'm certainly not expected to provide them myself, am I?"

  4. Tell him when you need batteries?

  5. I agree with  notyou31.  He's trying to put blame on you.  Protect yourself.  Report his comments to the boss.

  6. ~~He is just an equal colleague.I would tell him he obviously is not taking proper charge of the batteries if he doesn't even know where they are. Then I would tell him if he has any suspicions,about you or anyone else he needs to take it up with your supervisor. Step into his space, what he is doing is using body language to dominate you, never back away, step into him. Keep it professional, and don't let him speak to you this way. If you can access them so can anyone else. He needs to focus on HIS responsibilities, not make accusations at anyone. If there is a problem or a suspicion he should meet with his supervisor. Someone with reason will question him on how you or anyone else were able to access them!~~

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