
Today my neighbor across the street came over to my car to look at my 7 week old daughter?

by  |  earlier

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she didn't touch them or anything just look inside car to see her later that day i was told that she had shingles 2 weeks ago on her leg but the blisters are all dry are my kids in any danger




  1. I believe that shingles is  contracted by a person who has had chicken pox in the past.  Your baby my have a slight chance of getting chicken pox from your neighbor, but I think, since this person did not touch her she should be fine.  If she should get a high fever or a rash call you doctor.  But  I am almost positive you have nothing to worry about.

  2. I highly doubt it.  Usually a baby has immunity from disease from the mother for the first few months.

  3. no! dont be so paranoid!! she looked at her throught the window? she wont get them.

  4. she may have wanted to look at the child to ease her own mind, make sure the doctor is aware of your child's problem, otherwise there may be a knock on your door from some over zealous bureaucrat from child services.

  5. OMG..................u must be kidding......of course not!!!!!!!!!  You are a little to paranoid i can tell.

  6. You're baby should be okay as there are vacinations for chicken pox now..Also shingles is an elderly disease. It would be very rare for a baby to get it.. The vacination should also prevent your baby from getting shingles when she gets older.

  7. First of all, your not paranoid at all!  Your a concerned mother with just cause.  If she had the shingles recently she should have had enough sense not to expose a newborn baby.  Although newborns usually can sustain not getting such serious illnesses they still can get very sick due to them being so young.  I'm sure your kids are probably just fine.  As you said her leg blisters are all dry.  However, to be on the safe side, I would give a call to the pediatrician and just fill them in on what happend.  Good luck with your new baby and take care.

  8. probably not, but go check it out at the doctor's office.

  9. Naaa

  10. no

  11. Shingles is only contagious from the fluid in the blisters.  So if she didn't touch your daughter, there's no way she spread it.  Also, if the blisters were dry that means there was no infectious fluid in them.

  12. She didn't even touch your kid...she *looked* at your baby through the car and you're this paranoid?! You better gain a better hold of your paranoia or else the next few years are going to KILL you.....

    Sorry but if you call your Pediatrician's office saying "this lady with dried up shingles looked at my baby in the car!!" they are going to roll their eyes.

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