
Today my teacher said this about golf...?

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We were talking about this book we are reading and one of the characters is a female golfer. She said, well that says a lot about her, she has no life and she cheats her way through sports. So my friend and I looked at each other and tried to talk to ber but she insisted that only men play golf because all females that play are terrible. I got so mad! I told her that our girls golf team placed in the top 3 at state this year and that my friend and I tied for 1st individually. She got mad at us because she thinks girls can't golf and if we do, we just cheat our way through the game and we only play because that is what "preppy" kids do. She said "you just belong to country clubs, tell your parents you are going to play golf but you just go sit but the pool." Then I said "you can't spend the summer sitting by the pool and somehow have an average of shooting an 80. Anyway, does anyone have any ideas of what I can say to her? She just doesn't get it and she is going to continue bugging us.




  1. what class are you taking?  

    I know some girls that are quite good at golf.  Actually some have been known to beat the boys on a regular basis.  

    Your teacher may have just had a bad day...

  2. I would like to see a man play against some of these professional women golfers.  I love to watch them play they are flat good.  To me golf is for everyone and is a sport you can do even when you get older.  It is good exercise you walk about 5 miles or more a game.  It takes real skill to golf.

    But I certainly think that some peoples attitude about the sport needs to change.  Maybe you will be the one to change her.

  3. Let's hope your teacher wishes to inspire your class to get involved in a discussion and to learn to support your comments.  Try not to get emotionally attached to the discussion, just stick to the facts.  Do a search for the history of women's golf (#1 below).   There is a famous 1950's movie  (Pat and Mike) about women golfing   starring Katheryn Hepburn.  

    #2 shows a link to the colleges that have teams.  It is the first 50. I don't think colleges would sponsor all those "cheaters"!  

    #3 And what about Michelle Wie who played against men and beat them??   Do some more research, I just wanted to get you started.  Have fun with it!

  4. ehhh just ignore her. People are happy to live in ignorance.

    They only way to prove to her is to play her.

  5. No doubt your teacher has never played the game and does not know what she is talking about. The game is a true reflection of life in order to play the game the first thing you learn is honesty, play the ball where you find it, be respectful of your playing partner and whether you hit a good shot or have a bad hole forget it move on and try to do better next time.

    More kids should learn the game and take the values with them into other areas of their life. I know the girls on our high school team want to win and work very hard to get better I see them practicing every day. Your teacher maybe having a little fun with you all, but is she? Read Harvey Penick's "Little Red Book" then give it to your teacher to read and see if she changes her mind. Good Luck.

  6. Don't waste your time with her. You know your good and that's what matters. If it is necessary, report her to the school. Even if your not a member at a country club, the school will not accept this type of predjudice. And if you were they would stand up even taller for you because they would expect donations from your parents every year to the school because,"since they joined the country club, they must be loaded."

    I dont see you changing her mind about the country club. If you want to make a difference, go to her superiors. Then she will be your little tool for the rest of the year because she will be "on probation" with her comments and you

  7. She sounds like a real winner.  I can only hope my child has a teacher like her someday.  Riiiiiight.  I'd bring it up to the dean, this lady needs some counseling and some facts straight.

  8. Invite her to come watch you and your friend play. I have never been to a tournement, but I would assume people come to watch the players in school, right?

  9. First and foremost understand that adults too can display immature opinions regardless of their ages. It appears to me that your teacher probably has had a bad experience with golf at some point in her life and just simply doesnt want to give credit to someone of your age for something she can't do. Or she had no clue as to the amount of time and dedication you and your friend have put into learning the game. There isn't much that you can do in this matter as her position gives her the controll to do and say what she wants. Personally I can see why this would set you off. Being able to play to your skill level is a outstanding accomplishment to anyone, gender aside. I would avoid a confrontation with her as the bias issue could affect your grade, it shouldnt, but someone with that attitude obviously has issues. If she persists in harassing you in this matter, I would recommend meeting with her after class and maturely explaining to her that you are offended that she would degrade your integrity with such statements. If she is pleasant enough with this conversation, invite her to come out to the course with your friend and you and have her keep score to prove it. I would also bring this matter to the attention of your parents or and an advisor, and get their imput on how to handle this issue. It truly depends on how aggressive she is in maintaining a negative opinion about it. I would certainly speak to the your golf coach about it, and it would be a bonus if your coach was a female to solidify the arguement. Good luck, and keep your head up. P.S. If you have a thesis or report to do in the future do it on a female golfer to rub it in.

  10. WOW! That's harsh of her, anyone who knows/ understands golf (from experience), no one shoots 80 without sweating it out there and working their butt off! Seriously! Besides being sexist for the unknown reason because she's a female, that is really rude of her. I don't have many good articles for you to show her but if all else fails, maybe you and your friend could prove it to her or make your coach convince her (might be a better inspiration coming from a guy, if he is one). Show her a few articles about pro's like Michele, Annika and Lorena. Maybe have her watch a few impressive documentaries about them. Good luck to you and your friend!!!! : )

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