
Today should have been my last pay day at the job I just left But didnt get paid. Is it illegal not to pay me?

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Today should have been my last pay day at the job I just left But didnt get paid. Is it illegal not to pay me?




  1. 1. this depends on where you are

    2. if you quit or were fired

    3. if you quit if you gave advance notice of at least 3 days (this one applies to California only)

    in most states the employer has until the regular pay-day for the last pay-period you worked to pay you.

    in some states, if you are fired, the employer must pay you sooner, up to by the end of business that day.

    in some states that require immediate payment, if you are fired,  they don't require that if you quit without giving proper notice.


    if you are in the US and would like an accurate answer to your question you must edit it to include all the facts.

  2. They might be sending you a check. It is illegal not to pay you, give it a couple of days if you don't get a check call them.  

  3. you must be pissed off, just go to the payroll sec.  tell her or  him that you didn't get paid and calm down.

  4. Normally, employers skip a payday when you start a new job. But, just to be certain ask your supervisor or consult you employee handbook.

  5. Depends where you live.  Some states have 24 - 48 hours to pay your termination check.  With others it can be paid as of your next scheduled pay period.  Check with your local labor office or employment development department to be sure.

  6. Well what reason did they give you when you asked for your money ? - you did ask didn't you ? -  did you ask when you would be paid ? -

    Ask your ex-employer for your money.


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