
Today they released a comedy set in quantanamo bay..???

by  |  earlier

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I thought it was a joke, i couldn't believe it. does anyone else find this in bad taste and extremely embarassing? gitmo is a modern day concentration camp. an atrocity put in place by the bush administration. kids are saying it's HILARIOUS? personally i don't think it's the least bit funny. do you think it's appropriate? please tell me why?




  1. They should have put these poor, misunderstood, terrorists in foster homes: In your neighborhood.

  2. Its weird making jokes about a prison that is pretty much a concentration camp

  3. Yeah, it's not funny.

    Are you really surprised at the positive attention it's getting, though? Look at what becomes popular in America cinemas. A movie like BORAT, which mocks and exaggerates the lives of immigrants-- their education, customs, culture, among many other things, for example. It's really bad taste, and I completely agree with you.

    But watch out, you might be called a "PC fascist" rather than a concious individual. People laugh at what they don't experience or can't even begin to understand.


  5. Really a funny movie.I guess you better not see it.

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