
Toddler Car seat installation problem, 97 firebird

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Is this hopeless? I put the seat belt through the back and pulled the belt all the way out like I did on my other cars, (an 02 GM envoy and a 96 ford mustang) but it doesn't "lock," (not sure if that's what it's called) it doesn't make that clicking noise and just moves in and out freely.

The carseat just kind of flops around when you push/pull on it. Any advice? Would a pontiac dealer be able to help us or just laugh?




  1. You could go to the fire department and they will be able to show you how to properly install the car seat.

  2. Those belts in that car may have what's called locking latch plates. That's the buckle tongue part. To know if you have locking latch plates, sit in the back seat and buckle the belt over yourself and tighten the lap portion by pulling up on the shoulder belt. Does the lap belt stay tight, or can you move around easily?  If it stays tight, its a locking latchplate, common in GM vehicles. Or you can just grab the belt (without sitting in it) and try and move the buckle tongue. If it takes force to move and does not move freely (like those in your other vehicles you talked aobut) it is locking latch plate. What happens sometimes with locking latch plate belts is that the latch plate is put into a funny position when used with a car seat, and won't lock. It has to be parallel (laying flat against) the lap belt to lock. If its pepindicular to the lap belt, or at an angle, it won't lock or won't stay locked. It has a really easy fix, though: flip it over. Install the car seat like you normally would. Buckle it and tighten as much as possible by pulling up on the shoulder belt to tighten the lap portion. Then while still holding the shoulder belt tight, carefully unbuckle, flip the buckle tongue (latchplate) over so its upside down and rebuckle. Grab the child seat with one hand at the belt path and pull side to side, front to back. If it moves less than 1", you're good if not, try again.

    If you still can't get it to work, as a last resort, use a locking clip., see the carseatsite link below for instructions on using a locking clip

  3. Try this site..............

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