
Toddler Tantrums?

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So my 22 month old son has started having these screaming tantrums, ALL THE TIME. At home it's more manageable, we just leave the room until he calms himself down. But when we go out, he just screams and screams. And then we (the parents) start picking at each other because we're embarrassed. My son refuses to walk anywhere, he has to be carried, and at 30+ lbs, that's no easy feat. How can I encourage him to walk on his own when we go out without the screaming tantrums? And how can I nip these tantrums in the bud before I go freaking deaf?!




  1. You have to figure out what discipline will work w/ him... my youngest daughter (24months) never wants to be considered a baby so I always carry a baby diaper w/ me in her size and if she starts to misbehave, I tell her that big girls don't act like that so if she wants to be a baby, then she will be treated like a baby (I have only had to actually put the diaper on her once and I left her pants off so that she could that she was wearing a baby diaper). Now I have very few problems w/ her tantrums.

    Before you leave the house, lay down the rules. Since he is so young, he will need to be reminded of them often- at the first sign of a whine or whimper, remind him of the rules/talk you had and if possible try to use the same wording that way it becomes predictable and he knows exactly what is expected.

    The key is your consistency- if you will stick to your guns no matter how frustrated you are and at least appear calm then he loses his power and throwing a fit won't be satisfying for him... don't let him know it bothers you bc kids are very smart and, chances are,  he picks up on y'all fighting and he'll use it to his advantage.

    Good luck to you- I know how frustrating tantrums can be.

  2. don't  take    him  out  with  you  for  a  while  and  he  will  learn not  to  do  that

  3. Wait till he turns 7.

    my sister is such a brat!

    good luck to you.

    you will  need it!!!!

  4. Ignoring tantrums does not stop a tantrum, you need to discipline the tantrum right from the beginning. I have worked with toddlers for over 17 years and I take them every where, shopping, out to eat, to fairs, farmers markets. I am usually by myself doing all of these things with 4 children under 5 and I have NEVER had a child, not even an infant, throw a tantrum in public. The reason because I discipline them the first time they try to throw one. The way I discpline a tantrum is to pick the child up and say knock it off you are fine, if that doesn't work I ask them if they need to go sit, if they continue they are put into a time out chair, if it is an infant I will place them into their high chair, I then shut the door and walk away. Keep checking on them and if they get out of the chair be forecful and put them back in the chair and say you may not get out of this chair until I take you out and you will not get out until you stop screaming. If you beleive in spankings then feel free to give a firm swat on the behind before you put them in time out. Don't even say they don't understand, children understand more than parents know. If you are consistent in the discpline at home then when you are out and your child starts lean down and say into their ear do you need to go to the car? And if he doesn't stop take him to the car and strap him into his car seat and make him sit there, explain that he will not get out until he stops his screaming. Before you take him anywhere lay down the rules before hand. For example, son today we are going to the store and you are not getting anythng, you will walk holding onto the cart without touching anything. If you do not obey mommy then I will take you out of the store and I will sit in your car seat until you are ready to obey, if I have to discipline you then you will get (give a disciplne like a spanking or taking a toy away for at home, yes your 22 month old can remember what they did at this age). Make him realize that you will not accept this behavior at home or out of your home. BE CONSISTENT. Right now I have a 16 month old, a 26 month old 29 month old, and a 4 year old that I take everywhere! The 16 month old has been disciplined since her first tantrum at 5 months and she screamed all the way home from the store. At this age I just say her name and say no, you are fine stop that screaming. Within a week I had a small snap to the bottom of the foot when I say no. By the age of 6 months I was back to quiet car rides. Now at 16 months old she doesn't even talk loudly in the car, let alone scream or yell; however, she screams during almost every car ride for her parents, why because they have always ignored it or they try to quickly quiet her down. She needs to stop on her own and I do not use pacifiers, toys, or any other entertainment only books when they reach a certain age in the car. Children learn very quickly to quietly look at books in the car or to just sit quietly. Correcting children is very hard, because you need to correct each and every time the tantrum happens and don't give up. Of course out in public you have more difficluties, but you can always follow up with another discipline when you get home.
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