
Toddler and newborn?

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my daughter 2 1/2 is so sweet wanting to help me with my son but she won't leave himto sleep is it time to try to get him to sleep upstairs!! I have never had a problem with her she says she loves him and kisses him all the time.




  1. Oooh have had this problem myself, though my youngest is now 2 1/2 and the youngest of 5!

    Sometimes distraction works, eg lets read the baby a book, put out the washing, tidy the toys away etc. This gives her 'mummy time' while the baby is asleep which she will enjoy and want the baby to sleep more, well in theory, works for some!

    Sometime a basic explanation works eg baby need nite nites now etc.

    If all else fails then yes the baby will have to go to another room to get peace. This may only be short term though as your daughter may 'get bored' with a baby and just start to leave alone. Mine just learnt to sleep through anything in the end.

  2. I would try putting him to bed away from her and then tell her it's mommy and me time for you two to read or play while he is sleeping. Explain to her it's time for him to sleep and we have to leave him be so he gets a good sleep. She'll get used to it soon. Maybe give her a couple dolls to put to sleep too.
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