
Toddler doesn't want to take nap- what to do???

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I have a toddler boy who is 21months old. And a couple of days ago our nap problems started. Before this he napped fine basically our routine was i put him in his crib, then leave close door, and he goes to sleep no problem. But lately he's been crying when I do that, so I stay in the room next to his crib, but sometimes he still doesn't want to sleep just moves around a lot.

So, I wanted to find out from parents if they faced such a sudden problem?

Why do you think this is happening?

What can I do?

P.S. I would appreciate all advice (but no short answers just to get points!)

I need serious help here.

He doesnt't sleep with any toys so I don't think that's a problem.





  1. If you are in the room, your son won't fall asleep because he wants you to pick him up. Unless he is in pain or hurting, just put him in there and let him cry for a while. As kids get older, they realize they can manipulate you in certain ways. He has probably just learned that you will stay with him if he cries. He still needs a nap at his age, or he will just make your life, and his miserable. Hope that helps, good luck.

  2. I know many children nap well until age 5, but my daughter stopped napping at age 2.  Before then I found my self holding her down to get her to sleep and this was mostly do to exhaustion from fighting.  We went to having quiet time and then  we noticed she was getting hyper tired at night so we moved her bed time earlier and that worked.  If nothing else has changed he might be growing out of it or may need more activity so he gets tired.  Good luck

  3. just put him in the crib for like an hour or so without toys.  if he sleeps, good.. but if not he is atleast getting a chance to rest.

    my little cousin hated naps.  she would insist she wasn't tired but you could tell she was.. especially when that led to a meltdown and she cried herself to sleep.  so chances are if he is melting down like that, just let him and he will cry himself out.

  4. We had the same problems w/ both of our children and what worked well for us was to let them pick out 2 books to read (fairly short ones), then we turned on a video called the "Nighty Night" video. It is a video that shows animals winding down; they start off playing and there is a slightly upbeat music and then they slowly wind down and the music slows until the screen just has stars on it. The purpose of the video is to naturally calm and relax your child's brain and ease them to sleep... it worked for us. I admit that I was a bit skeptical when my cousin mentioned it, but it worked. If you don't want your child watching tv to go to sleep, you could play a soothing classical music cd (softly)- I did this when my children were infants. Also make sure that the temp is cool and the room isn't too bright. Good luck to you- hope this helps!

  5. One Word-


  6. i would cut the lights off...television and anything that would get his attention and pretend that im going to might sound crazy but little kids do things that they see other people doing so it might work...i hope everything works out

  7. silly little boy,

    here are some helpful hints,

    it may just be a phase!

    or maybe, have you changed anythign in his routine lately?

    if he can talk a little, trying asking him what he does or does not like.

    last, he may be sick if your problems are so recent and so quick.

    i hope things go well,


  8. well i'd advice u if u are not at this point when its close to his nap time give him some food than take him a shower this usually helps toddlers sleep.

  9. I would not stay in the room. You are setting a new routine for him. Do exactly what you used to do and let him cry. If he doesn't stop, he may be telling you he is ready for less naps during the day or shorter naps. It's then up to you to figure out a new schedule for him. Maybe put him down later in the day so he is more tired and then see how he does. Take out one nap during the day and see if that doesn't help. Good luck

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