Ok, so my 14 month old daughter is looked after by me every day appart from tuesday (her dad has her) and wednesday (her nan, my MIL, has her).
When I got home from work yesterday i was cuddling her and she started hitting me in the face (not really hard but i could tell it wasn't nicely intended). I put her down on the floor and told her not to hit mummy. She then got up and was trying to climb on me so that i would cuddle her again. I picked her up and she was ok for a bit then started hitting me in the face again.
She tends to do this when i get home on the wednesday. She is tired (because she sleeps less with nanny) and i think this is what provokes it but why am i the one getting the abuse and not nanny or daddy. Also, what can i do? do i just do as i am doing and tell her not to hit mummy and put her on the floor?
Note, the rest of the days she is with me she is really sweet and affectionate to me, it's just the wed's i get home and the thurday after that she's moody with me.
Thanks for sensible advice