
Toddler only wants to eat food off the floor?

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i have tried putting her in a highchair and feeding her but cant get her to eat but her brother will go in the fridge and get a snack and of course put food on the floor for her to share and she eats it up or if she finds sonething on the flloor she tries to eat it




  1. I say pick your battles. Set up a "picnic" on the floor. This way you can still eat as a family and you won't have to have a high chair power struggle.

  2. Just don't give in!

    If she wants to eat she has to go to the high chair and that's the end of it! Eventually she will be so hungry that she will give in.

    Make sure to talk to your son and explain the situation to him, enlist him as your ally and make sure he goes to the table to eat as well. Younger siblings tend to copy the older ones.

    Picking food from the floor is very unhygienic.

    Good luck!

  3. could you try telling her brother to go get the food and allow your toddler to see her brother put food on the highchair? Maybe you already tried that.

  4. okay. I know how positively awful this will sound, and I love little kids. but find out a way to get the brother to stop and tell her "you eat at the table or you dont eat at all" of course this wouldnt be true, but she wouldnt know that and when she got hungry and asks for food, then she will sit up at the table and eat it, or guess who is still hungry? this sounds bad but i baby sat for a kid with the exact same problem and i am usually not too diciplining. but a few times of that and the problem went away!

  5. I have to say this is adorable. Ive never experienced that but im sure its not a life long problem or even developmental problem. Just keep offering her fun snacks things that she loves up a liitle higher at a time. Like maby a coffie table first then move higher each time she starts taking them from there. Maby she feels like on the floor is here area and she feels more comfortable eating there. Good Luck

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