
Toddler seeing parents naked?

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I've always undressed and gone to the bathroom in front of my son since he was a baby, but he turned 2 in March and seems to be much more interested in seeing my body now than he used to. I don't want to give him the idea that a naked body is shameful, but I don't want to turn him into a perv either!

When did you stop letting your children in the bathroom with you or see you getting dressed?

He also like to say the word "naked" a lot. Like, he was watching a rerun of the Brady Bunch, and just yelled, "Marcia's naked!" She wasn't, of course, but why is he so obsessed with this???




  1. becasue he is 2. he just got the concept of nekked vs clothed. that bodies are diffrent. its normal. he isnt perverted and most likely wont be.

    dont fret, use the bathroom, take tub baths together. he is still very young and has no sense of shame.this is a good thing. let him be a free little guy. nekked or in a turtle neck.

  2. hehe I think this is perfectly normal - my niece ran around the house naked as often as she could get away with it and loved to shout naked! all the time.  A friend of mine has naked time one afternoon a week where they both hang out at home in the buff and bath together - she's a reall hippy!  I wouldn't stop changing in front of him - he's innocent and I'd let him have time naked too - he probably feels free skipping around letting the air get on his skin (it is our largest organ and needs stimulated, even we hug as adults to sense touch).

  3. He is just becoming more aware of his own body -

    If you don't want him to think the human body is shameful, then you can keep doing what you are doing - Has he seen Dad naked?  Has he seen books specially written for toddlers about everybody's nakedness being the same?

    I never saw my Dad naked, but i am 24 and *still* have yet to see my mom hide her shame around me (my dad was a catholic, so he had ALOT of shame :))

    He seems obsessed because its a new reality for him, so if you encourage good boundaries about when naked is OK (at home) and when modesty is key (in public) you should be able to strike a happy medium.

    Mine gets it, but we're a little more open around the house since the 3 of us shared a bedroom for the first 2 years, and he STILL climbs into bed sometimes - Especially when it is least convienent for me and dad!  But, everyone is well hinged, and well behaved.  No perverts or nudists or anything!

  4. your a mom you have no privacy --- lol.... but they almost all get obsessed with nakedness at some point in time because they think its kewl to run around naked or to experience seeing someone else naked its all about they want to see b/c then they can see if people are alike or different and why does he have a weenie and why dont she its just curiosity and the more honest you answer the better off it will be for your child and you b/c you answer honest and straight forward (in 2 yr old lingo)  he is satisfied and so are you because you wont have to be asked a million times

  5. My 4 year old son still sees me naked. We're open and don't want him to think the human body is shameful. He knows the proper names for boy/girl "parts". Yes, he went through a period where he would STARE at my b*****s, but it was because he realized I had them and he didn't!

    As for saying "naked" a lot. It's just a new word. My 2 year old just learned the word "itching", and I swear, she's driving me nuts with it!

  6. Well now that he is older, his brain has developed enough for him to start wondering about things and why they are the way they are. I'm thinking that he is wondering why you look so different in clothes than when you are naked and probably wondering what everything you have is and why you are naked instead of dressed. You can now tell him that he is a big boy now and isn't allowed to see you naked anymore (or something along those lines). Say only that he could be in the bathroom with mom when he was a baby but he isn't so he can't. Also get him interested in something else or find what interests him the most other than this and keep up that interest and never let him see you naked again so he doesn't go revert back to being interested in the nakedness. Try naming other things that seem to pique his interests and soon the word naked should go away.

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