
Toddler with a swollen upper eyelid...?

by Guest66660  |  earlier

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I noticed this afternoon on my 21 month old little girl that her left upper eyelid was a bit swollen, the eyeball is fine not red or anything, she doesn't seem to be messing with it & we can touch it and she doesn't budge as if it was to hurt her.. I asked my husband if she had hit it on something or if he heard her do anything and then cry. He said no but her and a little girl I babysit climbed up on bed and pulled down the curtain and the metal rod. So I am not sure if she was just hit by something or if maybe its a mosquito bite cause she has a few of them and they turn red like that for a day or so and then go away. So I am not sure if I should just wait it out till possibly late morning early afternoon then call the doctor or what..She's never had this before?!! Anyone know anything or has this happened before??




  1. I'm pretty sure you don't need an MD, but if you need to do it so you can feel better, I understand.  Your little girl is young, so that makes it even harder when they can't tell you what they are thinking and feeling.

    My son got wacked in the eye with a wii remote control.  It broke the skin under his brow and bled a lot and the next day he had a watering eye at school.  The school nurse panicked when she saw it (it wasn't watering at home but was bruised) and told us to take him to the doctor and we did.  It was nothing.  It's been my experience that the school nurses overreact when they don't need to, and underreact when they don't need to.  

    The school nurse told my friend her son broke his arm.  When she got him home he could throw the baseball down the street like normal. he he

  2. It sounds like sty. You're supposed to put warm towel on it and it'll go away. Most of the time it just disappears by itself after a couple of days. I had sty 4 times and the last one that I had hurt a little when I pressed it. Just don't let her touch it.

  3. its a sty just keep it clean and dont let her touch it if it gets worse see a doc

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