My 2-year-old loves bedtime! We put him in his crib at 8:30 pm sharp (his room is completely dark using a blanket). We put his music on, tuck him in, read to him, say a prayer, and kiss him goodnight. And then he falls to sleep in about 15 minutes and sleeps until 6:30-7:30 am. Perfect! But for naptime (room still completely dark), he screams and screams and won't stop. I even do the same routine that I use for nighttime. I've let him "cry it out" for 30 minutes once. It just gets worse and worse. The only way he'll take a nap is in a moving car or me rocking him. And then if I'm at home, the only way he'll stay asleep is if I lay him on the couch. He could be completely out at one point and then wake up and cry if I try to lay him in his crib. Any ideas as to why he does that? And any tips?