
Toddler wont nap?

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My 19 month old has recently started to skip her nap. She usually would eat lunch and then go for a 2 hour nap, Now she will stay in her crib and play by herself for 2 1/2 hours before she wants out. She doesnt get moody until dinner then after she eats shes fine until 8pm which is when we start getting ready for bed anyways. And then she will sleep in till about 9am...which is only 30ish min longer then what she use to sleep in to. Is it normal for toddlers to just stop taking a nap, expecially when shes not even 2 yet.




  1. It can be normal. As long as her behavior doesn't reflect a need for naps then let it be. My son did the same thing at that age. He's now nearly 5 and suddenly he's needing a nap every now and then, not every day. I let his behavior dictate whether or not I send him to lay down. Mind you he doesn't want it but he'll lay down and crash pretty quick if I insist. My niece just turned 2 and suddenly refusing naps as well.

  2. move dinner up for her and change bedtime to an earlier bedtime

  3. when Early Childhood Special Ed evaluated my son at 11 months, they asked if he slept at least 10 hours a day. Sounds like yours is a little older and sleeping more than that at night. She's doing fine.

  4. My daughter stopped taking naps about the same time her doctor said as long as she is not too cranky then she is fine

  5. just let the toddler do whatever they want for now!...they're sleeping finee rite long as they get enough of wut they need, thats the best for them

  6. yes it's very normal. it could be just a phase and she might go back to taking naps again. you could try going into her room every couple of minutes to lay her down and remind her it's bed time. but other than that there's not much you can do.
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