
Toddlers Picky Eating.?

by Guest31804  |  earlier

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We have a 22 month old girl, She used to eat anything and everything we gave her now shes super picky and sometime wont eat for along time. She wont eat mac n cheese, bananas, PB&Js, Her veggies. I dont know what to do, Any suggestions! Please help.




  1. Put the vetgatables in a blender and grind if then, put it in a food she likes.

    Tell her if she doesnt eat it she'll have to sit there until she does.

    Find new foods for her!!!

  2. Just keep trying. My daughter is 19 months and she hated veggies...wouldnt eat any kind.  But just this weekend I gave her a graduate Mac and Cheese meal with peas and carrots and she ate the peas!  Then we praised her for it and she thought it was great and ate some more....didnt eat the carrots though.  But dont give up, keep trying.

  3. it's probably a phase my son didn't like pb& j so I decidede to put it on crackers and he eats them perfectly..

  4. Toddler's appetites back off considerably for awhile. just keep offering her healthy things to eat in small amounts through the day.  It's not unusual. All toddlers go through it I think. my son used to eat like a trooper hasn't eaten alot at meals like he used to.  he does through the day and i am sure to offer healthy choices so he gets what he needs. Right now treat type foods are out (even on vacations)  because i want to have healthy foods available since he's eating less at his meal times.

  5. It's probably just a phase. Just keep persisting and getting her to try it, especially with new foods. The theory is you have to offer kids a new food about a dozen times (or something like that) before they will take to it.

    Most kids go through this phase though, especially with vegetables. The theory is it's a left over response from early humans, where things would taste bitter to them, to prevent them from picking up poisonous berries etc.

    And mac and cheese???? Don't feed her it in the first place. It has far too much fat and salt in it.

  6. I went through this with my daughter and the doctor told me it's not that she is picky she just isn't hungry. Try smaller meals more frequently during the day. Crackers, juice, cheerios, small pieces of fruit and cheese. That way she is eating and getting the vitamins she needs and you don't have to worry so much. She will eventually grow out of it.  Hope that helps.

  7. my son had a picky phase, nothing worked, until we started saying show me how spiderman eats or show me how a piggy eats how does papa eat, and so on...

    also we tried to make it funny things to eat like here is your banana on a stick, i would make pictures on her plate like make a street with the carrot slices and trees by the side of the road. with a pea river (that didn't sound right) but you get the idea.

    this may not work for a girl but

    my son loves to eat monkey brains (brown rice)

    and Worms  (whole wheat pasta)

    and eyeballs (grapes)

    and spider eggs (peas)

    good luck hope this helps

  8. Just let her eat what she want to right now, but keep offering all those other things, it's probably just a little phase.

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