
Toenail fungus relief, please?

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I got a mild case of fungus on my big toe after a pedicure. I didn't even realize I had gotten a fungus, I thought I had just hit my toe some where, It wasn't green or anything, I just had a flaky cloudy spot on the corner of my toe. It hadn't even bothered me, but now that the spot is growing out, it burns! I am trying some remedies, but does anyone know of anything that will give me relief from the burning immediately, even if its just temporary, I'm going nuts! I am NEVER going to the nail salon again!!!! I think this thing is even spreading! Help, please!




  1. Dr. Gott recommends Vicks vapor rub for toe nail fungus.

  2. you need to go to the doc and get an anti-fungal. its not going away on its own.

  3. Firstly, you need to get immediate relief for your skin condition. It sounds like more than just ordinary tinea. First I would try an anti-fungal cream from your local chemist.

    You can get SolvEasy tinea cream. There is a whole range of anti-fungal products at

    There is some information at this site on using Tee Tree Oil as a natural anti-fungal

    If an anti-fungal cream from the chemist hasn't cleared things up within a couple of weeks go and see your General Practitioner. In very severe cases the GP will send you to a dermatologist.

    However, in the short term an anti-fungal treatment is the way to go. Keep the feet clean which I'm sure you always do and dry. Wear sandals and let the air onto your toes with the cream on them.

    I would be reporting the unsanitary conditions in the nail salon to the Department of Health in your State of Territory. I hope that this information gives you some good ideas even if you can't use some of it because it is not accessible in the country in which you live.

    Good Luck!!!

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